New Printable Wyvern Cave Battlemaps For RPGs

By Juan Lopez | November 24th, 2017 | Categories: RPG, Tabletop Gaming Products

Cave map

DriveThruRPG has a new printable battle maps package available now from Heroic Maps. Get ready to have your scenarios set in an Orc/Wyvern-infested cave!

Heroic Maps specializes in printable battle maps, terrain, and cards. Their latest offering, the Foxtail Moor – Wyvern Cave is available right now on DriveThruRPG. The Moor itself is a ravine with scrubby and rough approaches. A small cave entrance leads to two alternative scenes: an Orc Camp or a Wyvern nest.

Heroic Maps – Foxtail Moor: Wyvern Cave: $5.50

Foxtail Moor

Whilst it has no memorable name, the rocky tor is clearly visible from miles around. Centuries of erosion have created hollows and caverns beneath it, and over the years these caves have been home to various dangerous inhabitants. A printable battlemap compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset.

Contents: A set of three 20 x 20 maps depicting a rocky tor in a hilly moorland wilderness. The surface shows a large tor with scrubby and rough approaches, and a ravine at the base. A small cave leads into a space beneath the tor. Two alternate maps are provided for the cave. One shows a large cave used as a nest for wyverns, with bones and egg shell fragments strewn across the floor. The other shows the caves being used by a group of orc bandits, with chambers filled with looted goods.

Included: A pdf with 300dpi tiles ready for A4 printing. A set of 300dpi full size jpeg files, for poster printing. A set of 72dpi (140x140px) jpeg for Roll20 & other VTTs

The Foxtail Moor – Wyvern Cave battlemaps are available now. To see Heroic Maps’ full product listing, click here!
For more on the Wyvern cave and other great RPG resources, visit DriveThruRPG!