Nurgle Prices Spotted in JAN White Dwarf

Great unclean one

January’s White Dwarf is almost here and the prices for the new Nurgle minis as well as a few other new releases were just spotted from next month’s issue!

It looks like someone got their hands on the new White Dwarf a little early and was kind enough to share it with the rest of us. Let’s take a look at the pricing for the new Nurgle and Chaos Daemons releases courtesy of Warhams-77 via DakkaDakka.

Codex: Chaos Daemons $40

Chaos Daemons Codex

Codex DaemonCodex Daemon Collectors Ed

Datacards: Chaos Daemons $15

Datacards DaemonsDatacards Daemons

Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle $40

AoS Maggotkin Nurgle

Battletome Nurgle

Warscroll Cards: Maggotkin of Nurgle $25

Beast Of Nurgle $40

Nurgle Beasts

Beast Nurgle

Feculent Gnarlmaw $30

Felculent Gnarlmaw NurgleFelculent Gnarlmaw

Great Unclean One $140

Great Unclean One

Great Unclean One

Lord of Blights $25

Nurgle Blightking

Lord Blights

Pusgoyle Blightlords $65

Nurgle Puscoyle Blightlords

Pusgoyle Blightlords

Sloppity Bilepiper: Herald of Nurgle $25

Nurgle Herald Sigmar


Spoilpox Scrivener: Herald of Nurgle $25


It looks like the Great Unclean One price rumor was accurate, he’s going to cost $140 USD. We’re also getting a look at the prices for the other new Nurgle releases, which all seem priced to be expected for the models themselves.

This is just the beginning of White Dwarf previews, make sure you’re checking back in with us throughout the day as we reveal more.

What do you think about the latest prices? Are you willing to pay $140 for the Great Unclean One? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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