Fleet Troopers Arriving For Star Wars Legions

Fleet Troopers Legion

Fantasy Flight Games just gave us a preview of the upcoming Fleet Troopers for Star Wars: Legion and they look like they’re going to be a perfect addition for Rebel players.

The latest expansion preview from Fantasy Flight Games provides us with a closer look at the dedicated Fleet Troopers. The Fleet Troopers Unit Expansion comes with seven unpainted miniatures and an assortment of upgrade cards that will give you options for close range, ship corridor fights or larger scale engagements. This expansion will be released alongside the Leia Organa Commander Expansion. As to how you will be using your Fleet Troopers on the battlefield, FFG has you covered there as well.


Fleet Troopers come armed with the DH-17 blaster pistols, which are rapid fire and grant you two white dice with each weapon fired. The drawback is their shorter range than the standard issue blaster rifles of Rebel Troopers. While less capable of dodging enemy attacks, they make up for it by having the Ready 1 ability. This will grant your Fleet Trooper unit an aim token when the perform a standby action, which will allow them to wait to move or attack until an enemy unit moves close.


Lastly, an assortment of heavy weapon miniatures can be added to your Fleet Troopers. A Trooper can equip an MPL-75 grenade launcher which can give your squad options when attacking an enemy unit in cover or a heavily armored vehicle. You may choose to equip scatter guns to mow down enemies with a withering amount of damage.

Fleet Troopers Unit Expansion: $24.95

Fleet Troopers box

From the opening shots of A New Hope, we’re introduced to an ongoing space battle as a massive Star Destroyer closes in on a tiny corvette. The first characters we see within the beleaguered Tantive IV are C-3PO and R2-D2, but only moments later, we witness a squad of troopers dashing down the hallway to defend Leia Organa’s starship against the Imperial boarding party. With this Unit Expansion, you can bring those soldiers’ dedication and readiness for battle to your games of Star Wars: Legion.

The Fleet Troopers Unit Expansion immediately expands the options available to your Rebel armies with seven unpainted, easily assembled Fleet Trooper miniatures. An assortment of upgrade cards lets you customize your Fleet Troopers to match the battles you expect to face. After all, whether you’re battling in the tight corridors of a starship or on a more open battlefield, your Fleet Troopers can make the difference in your fights. Releasing alongside the Leia Organa Commander Expansion, these two expansions promise to shake up Rebel Alliance tactics for Star Wars: Legion.

The Fleet Troopers Unit Expansion is available now to pre-order online or at your FLGS.

For more on this unit expansion and Star Wars: Legion, visit Fantasy Flight Games!