Is This How Slaanesh Returns to Age of Sigmar?

By Juan Lopez | January 24th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Warhammer Morathi Slaanesh SigmarGames Workshop just dropped a puzzling new teaser video for Age of Sigmar. Who is the Shadow Queen, and will Slaanesh follow in her footsteps?

The latest teaser from Games Workshop may have revealed more than you think. First, let’s take a look at the video and then we’ll break it down for you.

So the latest teaser gives us a look at some old drawings telling a story of struggle and war. But who is the enraged person talking that is planning on making her return?

AoS Teaser

“I who was once devoured yet slithered from the throat of the dark prince.” 

AoS Teaser

“I who helped bring civilization to the Mortal Realms and stood first against the corruption of Chaos.”

AoS Teaser

“I who feed upon offerings of blood and shadow.”

From what we know about the end times of Warhammer Fantasy is the narrator Morathi the Hag Queen?

From End Times Khaine: 

Morathi opens up the vortex to let the hand of slaanesh through I mean his/her literal hand

“Morathi saw the eye too, but in hermadness did not care. Indeed, she invited its gaze, casting ever wilder magics to tempt it nearer. She no longer feared oblivion in slaanesh’s gullet. not if it would exhort the thirsting god to lay waste to all of Ulthuan. This would be her vegenace, perhaps even her apotheosis, for could not slaanesh’s favour could be courted?

As the vortext shrank in on itself, so too did the rift at its heart, and a great ululating howl split the air as slaanesh realised he had been cheated on his feast. The vast, taloned hand groped frantically as the rift contracted, desperate to seize some vibrant morsel, Morathi at last realising her folly, backed away. She did not see Caledor approach. The mage held Morathi fast as the giant hand drew near. The sorceress shrieked, and tore at Caledor with nails and teeth. Blood ran as rivers down the mage’s face, but still he held on, drawing her into the last embrace that either would ever know. Your race is run, child he said. Meet your end with the dignity of your heritage. Something in those words at last pierced Mortahi’s madness, and she fell limp in caledor’s arms. As the claws closed around them both, she screamed one last time and then there was silence.


From the first AoS Campaign book:

Remember Malerion is the new Malkeith, Morathi’s son from the Olde World whom she thought she just saw killed before being eaten by Slaanesh above.

The being that awoke in the shifting shadow was confused. Gone was his physical form and only slowly did memory of the world’s ending returned. He could not control his solidity, which frustrated him. How long he wandered alone across a deary greyscape he knew not, but he feared his fate is to forever be less than shadow. Yet his anger mounted, his own rage gave him form. With his fury came greater corporeality and thus Malerion explored the thirteen domains of Ulgu, the Realm of shadow.

He discovered many creatures, yet could find none of his kind. Only when Malerion came upon a glade of shadow daemons did he feel a spark of recognition at the center of that bacchanal was his mother. Morathi was still flesh and blood, but changed. Theirs was a reunion full of recriminations and anger. Neither trusted the other, but an uneasy truce was reached. Together they united under sigmar, joining the great alliance.

All of this ties in perfectly with the teaser video, and sparks curiosity to see what’s next for Age of Sigmar. Is this mystery lady indeed Morathi? in Warhammer Fantasy where Morathii went, Slaaneshi pleasure cults were sure to follow… will this be the case for the mortal realms?

What does this mean for the future of Age of Sigmar? Hopefully, more will be revealed soon.

What do you think about the latest teaser? Did you pick up on all of the Slaanesh undertones in the video? Is it Morathi that is speaking? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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