RPGs: Printable Ice Base Khoine Battlemaps

By Juan Lopez | January 5th, 2018 | Categories: RPG, Tabletop Gaming, Tabletop Gaming Products


DriveThruRPG has a new printable battle maps package available now from Heroic Maps. Get ready to have your scenarios set in a futuristic ice base!

Heroic Maps specializes in printable battlemaps, terrain, and cards. Their latest offering, Ice Base Khione, is available right now on DriveThruRPG. Ice Base Khione is large military complex that is nestled deep inside a glacier. Massive blast doors will open up into a large hangar that will lead into engineering rooms, med bays, quarters, and command center. These battlemaps are perfect for any sci-fi/grimdark wargames and scenarios.

Heroic Maps – Giant Maps: Ice Base Khione: $9.99

Ice Base Khoine maps

Dug deep into a glacier, the sprawling military complex of Ice Base Khione contains everything needed to support a rebel force. Huge blast doors protect a hangar, and from there are engineering rooms, stores, medical bays, command rooms and areas for the crew. A printable rpg battlemap compatible with any RPG or skirmish game. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset. The map is 50×50, equivalent to 25 of our standard 10×10 tiles.

Contents: A futuristic sci-fi military base carved into ice. Hangars, crew rooms and other support facilities are included.
Download includes:
300dpi A4 pdf map spread across 50 pages for easy printing.
300dpi full jpeg versions for VTT or poster printing
72dpi VTT Ready jpegs.
Note: Whilst the download looks large, it consists of many separate files – just download the versions you need.
The Ice Base Khione battle maps are available now. To see Heroic Maps’ full product listing, click here!
For more on Ice Base Khione and other great RPG resources, visit DriveThruRPG!