New Warhammer World Warlord Titan Table

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They all fall down. Check out the WIP shots of a fallen Forge World Warlord titan getting made into the latest studio table at Warhammer World.

Warhammer World just announced there is a new gaming table in the making. Warlord Titan Down is going to feature exactly what the title claims, a Warlord Titan torn apart and used as terrain. Let’s take a look at the current WIP pictures and see what they had to say about it.


The Open Day coverage had a more finalized version than the studio’s update.

In the Warhammer World Studio, the team don’t only create impressive dioramas, they also build the scenery and gaming boards for the events hall.  Currently in their hands, is a project which may make nervous hobbyists want to look away…

This new gaming table asks the question “If a Titan falls in the middle of a city fight, what would that devastation look like?”, and we showed you the start of their work at the New Year’s Open Day.

Warlord Titan Down Table

It’s not often that you get to take a hammer to a Warlord Titan, but that’s exactly what Andy is doing today, loosening up a glued joint so the arms, legs and armaments of the Warlord can be suitably crashed through buildings, with it’s body in the center of the table. He’s already chiseled battle damage onto some of the parts.

Warlord Titan Down Table

Here’s the start of the table itself, with black outlines just visible where the parts are planned to be strewn, but as with all projects, that may change…

Warlord Titan Down Table

If you’re amazed to see this model being treated so cavalierly, the Warhammer World Studio team are mainly using miscast and damaged parts, so this way the resin is getting a new lease of life lots of people can enjoy once the table hits the events hall!


Looks like the Open Day coverage had a more finalized version than the studio’s update.

The new Warlord Titan Down table looks like it’s going to be a true one of a kind table, and rest assured they are using mostly damaged parts and miscasts. This is currently still a work in progress, and we can’t wait to see what the finished table looks like. Make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest updates on the new Warlord Titan Down table that will soon be available for guests to play on at Warhammer World.

What do you think about the latest Warlord Titan Down gaming table? Is this something you would want to play on? Let us know in the comments below.

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