New Imperial Knight Castellan & Codex REVEALED!

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The Imperial Knight codex is on its way, as well as a new Knight model. Come find out what Games Workshop had to say about the upcoming releases.

Games Workshop was full of big reveals during the Studio Preview at Adepticon this year, and the Imperial Knights made a HUGE debut. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about the upcoming codex and new minis.

Imperial Knights

The 41st Millennium is a hellish place – but amid the darkness, a noble few still fight for honour and fealty…

We’re getting a look at the brand new Imperial Knight Castellan in this preview, with what looks to be a promise of more Knight minis to come.

That’s right – the Armiger Warglaives were merely the vanguard of a new wave of massive war machines. The Knight Households of the Imperium are moving from being a force represented with one kit (albeit, a very flexible one) to a fully realised faction with a wider choice of units and army building options than ever. Sometimes bigger is just better.

Codex: Imperial Knights features the rules for the new Knight units alongside rules for Knightly Households, Freeblades, Stratagems and all the great stuff you’ve come to expect from a modern codex.

Imperial Knights

The Armiger Warglaive was just the tip of the Imperial Knight iceberg, and we’re getting a look at the new Knight Castellan alongside the announcement of the upcoming codex release.

Double Melta point defense weapons appear in one of the early stills from this video:

Castellan Knight New

Its main armaments may be a Volcano cannon, and Plasma Incinerator variants:

Castellan Knight New Castellan Knight New

Carapace and shoulder weapons also to be variants of current Imperial weaponry:

Castellan Knight New Castellan Knight New

Its height appears to be the same as the standard Imperial Knight kit when compared to the Armiger:

Castellan Knight New

Armiger Warglaives

Judging by the video, it looks like the Armiger Warglaive will also be available soon as a standalone kit, but we have not received an official announcement as of late. But make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest updates leading up to the release of the Imperial Knights codex and new Knight Castellan miniature.

Castellan Knight New

And this week’s rumor engine is clearly viable from this angle. Remember we had heard a rumor that there would be another variant of the knight that would be coming out after the Forgebane release:

Praise the Omnissiah!

As I invoke the sacred texts and raise the memory banks… there are 4 knight boxes coming.

The Amiger Warblade we’ve seen
There’s something I think called a “Helliger” <spelling mistake is possible>

There’s a Castellan
And another one that I think was called a Valiant which again may be the wrong name but is similar.

I think I saw they will rerelease Imperial Knight Renegade

And then you have a codex, datacards and I think dice, but don’t quote me on that last bit.

It’s a great time to be a Knight Senschal

Head on over and check out our write-up on the Studio Preview from Adepticon 2018 for even more reveals from Games Workshop.

What do you think of the new Imperial Knights codex announcement? Are you going to be picking yourself up a new Knight Castellan?

next 3 codex books

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