Forge World’s Squat is Here & 5 New Releases

By Rob Baer | April 27th, 2018 | Categories: Necromunda, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Necromunda Squat Wal Hor

Forge World’s Squat that broke the internet just a few months back is finally here, along with five other Hired Guns and accessories for Necromunda. Plus, previews of upcoming releases for 40k and more.

Grendl Grendlsen is finally here, and boy does he look good! Plus three other bounty hunters and two new sets of weapons for the goliaths are out today.

Be sure to check out the rules for the new weapon sets and Slate Merdena & Macula as well.

First up are the bundles:

Necromunda Bounty Hunters £54

 3 Bounty Hunters Necromunda

Collect together a set of 3 Bounty Hunters for use in games of Necromunda: Underhive with this bundle of special and unique characters! Each of these models can be used with any gang, and rules are included:

– Grendl Grendlsen, Squat Bounty Hunter: a diminutive, stocky model who carries a bolter and power hammer in a rather businesslike manner;
– Belladonna, Bounty Hunter: bionically altered with minimal actual armour, she wields a large power axe;
– Eyros Slagmyst, Bounty Hunter: barely even human anymore, this model is essentially a collection of archaeotech clutching a gun.

This Week’s New Hired Guns £74

Collect together the latest Hired Guns for use in games of Necromunda: Underhive with this bundle of special and unique characters! Each of these models can be used with any gang (well, Slate Merdena is Orlock-specific…):

– Slate Merdena & Macula, Orlock Hired Gun: 2 models, an Orlock Road Boss and his faithful, if rather modified, canine companion;
– Grendl Grendlsen, Squat Bounty Hunter: a diminutive, stocky model who carries a bolter and power hammer in a rather businesslike manner;
– Belladonna, Bounty Hunter: bionically altered with minimal actual armour, she wields a large power axe;
– Eyros Slagmyst, Bounty Hunter: barely even human anymore, this model is essentially a collection of archaeotech clutching a gun.

They also released the Hired Guns separately as well:

Slate Merdena & Macula, Orlock Hired Gun £20

Slate Merdena & Macula, Orlock Hired Gun

This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble Slate Merdena – an Orlock Road Boss – and Macula, his faithful Cyber Mastiff and Exotic Beast. Slate Merdena is a shining example of Orlock leadership – decked out in standard duster jacket, heavy boots and slit-eye goggles, he’s carrying a wide array of tools, grenades and chains on his waist, with a plasma pistol by his side in his left hand and a large hammer slung over his right shoulder. Macula is a different proposition entirely; though recognisable as a dog, he has undergone countless augmentations. His front left leg has been replaced with a powerful cybernetic limb, around which the flesh is giving way to metal, and his metal spine is visible at the base of his neck. Other than this (well, and the sensor array in place of his eye), he’s a fairly standard pooch, albeit one with frankly irresponsible levels of muscle…

This kit comes as 8 components and is supplied with a 25mm and a 32mm Necromunda base. Rules for using Slate Merdena as a House Orlock-specific Hired Gun are available in Gang War 2, and rules for using him as an Orlock Leader with his Cyber Mastiff are available as a PDF download.

Belladonna, Bounty Hunter £18

Belladonna, Bounty Hunter

This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble Belladonna, a Bounty Hunter for use by any gang in games of Necromunda: Underhive. Every bit the tragic, wronged bridal figure, she features a towering hairpiece, secured by a bow – this is where the romance ends, as even this bow has a skull for a clasp… Her left arm and leg are each replaced with bionics; spikes, claws and hydraulics are in place of weak human things like hands and feet. She’s not exactly heavily armoured, but the parts that are covered are covered in harsh metal studs and leather, and she confidently wields a large power axe in her right hand.

This resin kit comes as 4 components, and is supplied with a 25mm Necromunda base. Rules for fielding Belladonna as part of any gang in games of Necromunda: Underhive are included.

Grendl Grendlsen, Squat Bounty Hunter £18

Grendl Grendlsen, Squat Bounty Hunter £18

This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble Grendl Grendlsen, a Squat Bounty Hunter. Reasonably diminutive and stocky in stature – he’s a Squat, after all – he’s impressively well organised and kitted out, far beyond some of his rival bounty hunters. From head to toe he carries loads of equipment: pouches and bags are attached to his belt (along with a few grenades…), his boots and coat are padded and well-armoured and he even features some nice tactical eye protection. He also carries a large backpack featuring sensors, and in his hand are the essential tools of his trade – a bolter in the right, and his legendary power hammer in the left.

This kit comes as 4 components, and is supplied with a 25mm Necromunda base. Rules for using Grendl Grendlssen as part of any gang in games of Necromunda: Underhive are included.

Eyros Slagmyst, Bounty Hunter £18

This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble Eyros Slagmyst, a Bounty Hunter for use by any gang in games of Necromunda: Underhive. Barely visible under the vast array of archaeotech that irreversibly changed his life, Eyros cuts a mysterious figure, clad in a flowing robe. His wide-brimmed hat is in fact just the top panel for a series of cables, syringes and bone-flutes which have replaced almost his whole body – beneath the hat, lenses and a respirator peer out in place of eyes and a mouth. He is carrying a number of vessels, in which his precious supplies of water, stolen from the living bodies of others, slosh about. His hands – apparently the only part of him still fleshy – poke out from under the robe, clutching his gun.

This model comes as 4 components, and is supplied with a 25mm Necromunda base. Rules for using Eyros Slagmyst as part of any gang in games of Necromunda: Underhive are included.

Goliath Weapons Set 1 £16

Goliath Weapons Set 1 £16

Goliath Weapons Set 1 £16

This resin kit contains the parts needed to upgrade a plastic Goliath gang. Included:

– A power axe;
– A heavy flamer;
– A chainsword;
– An axe;
– A flamer
– A heavy bolter;
– A 2-handed axe;
– A hand flamer;
– A shotgun;
– A 2-handed hammer;
– A combi-melta;
– A bolt pistol;
– 2 mauls.

Rules for using these weapons in games of Necromunda: Underhive are available as a PDF download.

Goliath Weapons Set 2 £16

Goliath Weapons Set 2 £16

Goliath Weapons Set 2 £16

This resin kit contains the parts needed to upgrade a plastic Goliath gang. Included:

– A power axe;
– A heavy stubber;
– A chainsword;
– An axe;
– A meltagun;
– 2 bolt pistols;
– A 2-handed axe;
– 2 hand flamers;
– A bolter;
– A 2-handed hammer;
– A combi-flamer;
– A maul.

Rules for using these weapons in games of Necromunda: Underhive are available as a PDF download.

Don’t forget that Forge World still has a bunch of items that are on the last chance to buy list. So, if you’re looking to pick up some Elysian minis or some Leman Russ variants, you might want to do so before they’re gone for good.


So this week we’re seeing new minis for the underhive, and they all look to be great additions to any gang! Make sure you head over to Forge World and pre-order yours today!


new forge world logo

We’ve also been getting a lot of previews lately of what’s on the way from Forge World.

Recently we saw the announcement of Alpharius and some new Alpha Legion releases that will be on the way soon.

Of all the Primarchs, none excel so much at subterfuge as Alpharius, but today, we’re able to uncover this mysterious master of the Alpha Legion. We got a sneak peek of Alpharius at the Horus Heresy and Necromunda weekender, but now, it’s time for all to be revealed – at least, as much as anything can be with the Alpha Legion:

Forge World Alpharius

While Alpharius is known for his variety of disguises and love of deception, this rendition of Alpharius portrays him in his full panoply of war, and fits perfectly with any Alpha Legion units you already have. Unlike all other Primarchs, he’s been depicted with his helmet on – for all we know, there could just be a particularly talented legionnaire in there while Alpharius hides in one of your Tactical Squads…

Forge World Alpharius

Hot on the heels of the exciting reveal of Alpharius, we’re excited to announce that another long-awaited Alpha Legion unit is being brought to life soon – the Lernaean Terminators.

The Lernaean Terminators kit is perfect for making a worthy bodyguard for Alpharius, and has a range of tactical roles in your Alpha Legion army. It also features a Terminator-mounted conversion beamer – a rare weapon that transforms the squad into a long-ranged firebase! Even if you don’t use this weapon on your squad, it’s ideal for converting a Master of the Forge in Terminator armour.

Alphs Legion Lernaean Terminators

That’s not all – Forge World will also be releasing another set of vehicle doors, designed to allow you to customise nearly any vehicle in your army – from Deimos Pattern Rhinos to the Thunderhawk itself – with the heraldry of the XXth.

Alpha Legion Doors

We also got a preview recently of an old Rogue Trader model that is going to be getting revamped, and available for a limited time.

Very soon, the Land Speeder will be receiving similar treatment, as this classic design is brought to life in glorious resin. The new Forge World Land Speeder captures the spirit of its progenitor perfectly – while the mould lines may be crisper and the detail a lot sharper, there’s no mistaking the influence of Rogue Trader here:


So there you have it, new releases for The Hobbit are now available, and we’ve seen a lot of nice previews of what’s to come for Forge World.

What do you think about the latest items from Forge World? Let us know in the comments below.

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