New Forge World Horus Heresy Releases & 40k LATEST

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We’re seeing new minis for the Horus Heresy Solar Auxilia going on pre-order today from Forge World. Plus, we look back at the latest previews of their upcoming releases for 40k and beyond.

Forge World has a bunch of items that are on the last chance to buy list. So, if you’re looking to pick up some Elysian minis or some Leman Russ variants, you might want to do so before they’re gone for good.


Now available for pre-order are the following new releases from Forge World:

Solar Auxilia Strike Force £300


Build a Solar Auxilia Strike Force with this bundle of 59 resin miniatures. Included:

– A Solar Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section: this is a complete multi-part resin kit containing 10 models. Each model comes numbered with a corresponding volkite charger, as well as optional Sergeant and Vox Operator components;
– 2 Solar Auxilia Lasrifle Sections: each of these is a complete multi-part resin kit containing 20 models. Each model comes numbered with a corresponding lasrifle, as well as optional Sergeant, Vexilla and Vox Operator components
– A Solar Auxilia Tactical Command: 6 models including a Lord Marshal armed with a paragon blade and archaeotech pistol, and a full Auxilia Tactical Command Section consisting of a Strategos, Proclaimator, Vexilarius, a Veteran Auxiliary with meltagun and Veteran Auxiliary with grenade launcher;
– A Solar Auxilia Ogryn Charonite Squad: 3 biochemically and cybernetically enhanced Ogryns whose hands are replaced with brutal Charonite claws.

Rules for these can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Four – Conquest.

Solar Auxilia Lasrifle Tercio £200


Infantry Tercios are adept at fighting in loose order or launching massed assaults across the most hostile of the galaxy’s battlefields. Field a full Solar Auxilia Tercio of 3 Lasrifle Sections – made up of 60 models in total! – with this bundle. Included:

– 3 Solar Auxilia Lasrifle Sections: each of these is a complete multi-part resin kit containing 20 models. Each model comes numbered with a corresponding lasrifle, as well as optional Sergeant, Vexilla and Vox Operator components

Aurox Armoured Transport Group £174


Field 3 Aurox Armoured Transports – armoured troop transport tanks primarily used by various arms of the Imperial Army to carry veteran grenadier units to battle – with this bundle. Included:

– 3 Aurox Armoured Transports, multi-part resin tanks with an enormous tank track either side – each surface of the hull has at least 1 set of doors, used for the rapid disgorgement of the up to 10 models carried within. At the front is a driver’s hatch with a sensor array beside it, and a mounted heavy stubber at the top, with hatch behind.

Rules for fielding These models in games of The Horus Heresy are available as a PDF download.

Solar Auxilia Artillery Tank Battery £165


Many Solar Auxilia Cohorts maintain their own mobile artillery batteries, favouring a class ideally suited to their particular battle doctrines. Two of the most common types used by the Solar Auxilia are the Basilisk and Medusa, each of which is substantially different to those utilised in the wider Imperial Army and other fighting forces of the galaxy-spanning Imperium.

With this bundle, you can field a Solar Auxilia Artillery Tank Battery – this is up to 3 Basilisks or Medusæ. You’ll receive 3 multi-art resin Solar Auxilia Basilisk/Medusa kits, each of which can be assembled as either variant. The rules for both tanks can be found in The Horus Heresy Book 4 – Conquest.

Solar Auxilia Veletaris Tercio £120


Veletaris Storm Sections form part of the Solar Auxilia’s Infantry Tercios, and their firepower can overwhelm even the most fearsome of enemies. Field a full Solar Auxilia Tercio of 3 Storm Sections – made up of 30 models in total! – with this bundle. Included:

– 3 Solar Auxilia Storm Sections: each of these is a complete multi-part resin kit containing 10 models. Each model comes numbered with a corresponding volkite charger, as well as optional Sergeant and Vox Operator components.

Aurox Armoured Transport £58


With the influx of material resources and template constructs recovered from newly compliant worlds throughout the expanding frontiers of the great crusade, early attempts were made to standardise the equipment and war machines of the Imperial Army. The Aurox Armoured Transport is one of the earliest examples of this vision of a single standard for equipping the Imperial Army. The Aurox Armoured Transport is an armoured troop transport tank primarily used by various arms of the Imperial Army to carry veteran grenadier units to battle or to protect their commanders while dictating the course of battle. A further variant of the Aurox is used by the Solar Auxilia, re-fitted for extreme environmental conditions.


This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Aurox Armoured Transport. A utilitarian transport vehicle, the Aurox is little more than a cube of extremely dense armour with an enormous tank track either side – each surface of the hull has at least 1 set of doors, used for the rapid disgorgement of the up to 10 models carried within. At the front is a driver’s hatch with a sensor array beside it, and a mounted heavy stubber at the top, with hatch behind. A large exhaust pokes out from either side, and yet another hatch (there are actually 6 in total, making this a rather hatchsome transport) makes up the bulk of the rear.

The Aurox Armoured Transport comes as 21 components. Rules for fielding this model in games of The Horus Heresy are available as a PDF download.

So this week we’re seeing new minis for the Solar Auxilia in 30k, as well as a new troop transport and tank. These look like they’re going to be great additions to your army! Make sure you head over to Forge World and pre-order yours today!new forge world logo

We’ve been getting a lot of previews lately of what’s on the way from Forge World. Last week we saw the announcement of Alpharius and some new Alpha Legion releases that will be on the way soon.

Of all the Primarchs, none excel so much at subterfuge as Alpharius, but today, we’re able to uncover this mysterious master of the Alpha Legion. We got a sneak peek of Alpharius at the Horus Heresy and Necromunda weekender, but now, it’s time for all to be revealed – at least, as much as anything can be with the Alpha Legion:

Forge World Alpharius

While Alpharius is known for his variety of disguises and love of deception, this rendition of Alpharius portrays him in his full panoply of war, and fits perfectly with any Alpha Legion units you already have. Unlike all other Primarchs, he’s been depicted with his helmet on – for all we know, there could just be a particularly talented legionnaire in there while Alpharius hides in one of your Tactical Squads…

Forge World Alpharius

Hot on the heels of the exciting reveal of Alpharius, we’re excited to announce that another long-awaited Alpha Legion unit is being brought to life soon – the Lernaean Terminators.

The Lernaean Terminators kit is perfect for making a worthy bodyguard for Alpharius, and has a range of tactical roles in your Alpha Legion army. It also features a Terminator-mounted conversion beamer – a rare weapon that transforms the squad into a long-ranged firebase! Even if you don’t use this weapon on your squad, it’s ideal for converting a Master of the Forge in Terminator armour.

Alphs Legion Lernaean Terminators

That’s not all – Forge World will also be releasing another set of vehicle doors, designed to allow you to customise nearly any vehicle in your army – from Deimos Pattern Rhinos to the Thunderhawk itself – with the heraldry of the XXth.

Alpha Legion Doors

There are also new weapon packs for House Goliath that will be available for pre-order soon.

With House Escher now armed to the teeth with a vastly extended range of weaponry, it’s high time the Goliaths evened the odds with an expanded arsenal of their own. Soon, you’ll be able to pick up three new weapon packs, each absolutely crammed with deadly new gear for your gang:

We don’t have a release date for these new House Goliath weapon packs, just that they’ll be available for pre-order soon.

We also got a preview recently of an old Rogue Trader model that is going to be getting revamped, and available for a limited time.

Very soon, the Land Speeder will be receiving similar treatment, as this classic design is brought to life in glorious resin. The new Forge World Land Speeder captures the spirit of its progenitor perfectly – while the mould lines may be crisper and the detail a lot sharper, there’s no mistaking the influence of Rogue Trader here:


So there you have it, new releases for The Hobbit are now available, and we’ve seen a lot of nice previews of what’s to come for Forge World.

What do you think about the latest items from Forge World? Let us know in the comments below.

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About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”