Forge World Reveals Titanicus & More at Fest ’18

titanicus hor wal

Forge World just got done with their first seminar at Warhammer Fest and revealed what’s to come for Adeptus Titanicus, Necromunda Blood Blowl and more release wise.

James Martin is live from Warhammer Fest all weekend, and he just sent us these pics from the Forge World Specialist Games Seminar, let’s take a look at the Titanicus side of things:

Adeptus Titanicus box set warhammer fest 2018 forge world

Forge World said this is the most expensive box set ever produced by Games Workshop. It looks to come with the rules, two Warlords, six knights and some terrain.

From the seminar, there looks to be a ton more releases on the way for the line:

They also showcased some shots of the painted models themselves:

There also appears to be at least four realm of battle tiles being released by Forge World as well. All similar to this one.

Plus several packs to help players in game as well:

From the studio, when asked if they were going to do more smaller scale models akin to Epic 40k, they replied that no, they want to focus on the Titans only. After all the game is Adeptus Titanicus.

Lots more information on the way from Titanicus, Necromunda, and Blood Bowl as there is a ton of stuff on the event floor that we will cover in the next update!

Special thanks to James Martin for the pictures.

Keep it locked here for more coverage, and check out all the pictures from the event below:

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Latest from Warhammer Fest 2018