“New” Ork Model Mystery REVEALED

Ghazghkull orks hor wal

The mystery has finally been revealed for that “new” Ork model that was spotted in March, that everyone thought could be a new Ghazghkull or Walker kit!

We saw a ton of previews from GW for the 2018 release calendar at GAMA  in March, along with a ton of rumors about possible campaign books, primarchs, and new Chaos Space Marine were confirmed already as well.

But remember all the speculation that this image from Warhammer Community’s post after the GAMA live preview started?

adepticon preview plastic Orks

The White Dwarf team have been doing some sterling work of late to incorporate reader feedback into the magazine – kitbashing articles, new rules and classic battle reports refought. In fact, here’s a quick look at one such battle report on its way to newstands soon.

new orks plastic rumors

Hobbyists zoomed in on this image in the preview and it quickly became the basis for more Ork release speculation in this, the “year of the Xenos“.

In fact, here’s a quick look at one such battle report on its way to newstands soon.

Three months later we have that battle report in our hands, and…

The mysterious new model from back in March is actually a super clean conversion that was done by Games Workshop’s own Dan Harden.

Orkified Walker

ork walker

This months’ issue of White Dwarf Magazine showcased the model that GW used in their preview above. They specifically said it was a conversion, so sorry to burst your Orky bubbles.

Here’s a closer look at what is clearly a very cool Orky Dreadknight conversion:

ork walker 2

Looks like the Orks took the pieces of a Dreaknight and a Deffdread and threw it together to create this insane thing. The targeting squig on top is a perfect finishing touch.

We’ve talked about it some more in our coverage of June’s White Dwarf, as it turns out this battler report has roots that stretch way back to 1998.

Maybe you should bash your extra bits lying around and make yourself an Ork walker. Have you Orkified something before? Let’s see it over in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

codex orks space wolves

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