Orks, Space Wolves & GSC Release RUMORS

By Wesley Floyd | June 25th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

ork hor wal

Space Wolves, Orks, and Genestealer Cult are getting their codex but… it may be a lot longer than you were thinking. New rumors today on GW’s 2018 release timetable.

Let’s start with what we know:

Warhammer Community announced the release of these factions recently, not that we didn’t know they were next up:

Orks, Space Wolves & GSC Release

Space Wolves

No more being jealous of other players and their fancy codex. If the release of these codexes are anything like the recent ones, they’ll be the most powerful books of them all. Keep an eye out for dates to come on these books.

Genestealer Cults


The keen-eyed among you will note that this only leaves a single xenos faction still lurking in the shadows… Well, good news – there’s something crawling down the pipe for the forces of the Genestealer Cults too – and he has three arms, three eyes, one and a half heads… and a stop sign.

Keep an eye out for him and his “friends” for when they emerge from the shadows.

dred ork deff dread wall hor

Word on the street is the Ork Codex is on deck first, and more on that in a jiffy.

If you missed them, here are the latest rumors on the Orks from earlier in the year:

40k Ork Release RUMORS: New Ghazghkull & More

Chapter Master Valrak mentions all sorts of rumors for the upcoming Ork releases in a video on YouTube, but as always remember to bring your salt:

salt pile

I’ve been sent some information regarding Orks and their upcoming codex for 8th Edtion. Apparently, they will be getting new kits and a big push with the new story. Now I’ve personally heard that Prime Orks are going to be a thing for them, remember, bring your SALT!

He then posted on B&C about Ghaz, and answered a few questions as well about the source of his information:

Ghazz is going to receive a new model, prime Ork. New models on release of codex.

Q: Where is this information from? Wonder if it will be mentioned tomorrow, GW posted they were revealing some information tomorrow if I recall.

A: I have a chap that sends me stuff, the last thing he sent me was Knight Codex information about a week or two before GW announced it. Again I have to state, bring your SALT!

Ghaz will become a Prime Ork, not units.


Previous Orky rumors from Bell of Lost Souls claim there is indeed big release on the way for Ork players, with some major changes in store:

Industry rumormongers say to look for the following:

  • Look for the Orks to return about a year after 8th Edition arrived.
  • The Orks will return to the game in a major way with a large release.
  • There will be advancing storylines putting the Orks in the post great rift Imperium in a big way.
  • Multiple new kits are coming.
  • Many existing units will be changed substantially from their current rules.

So according to that, it looks like the Orks will be on their way around “soon”, so we shouldn’t have to wait too much longer for an official announcement from Games Workshop.  Large release, advancing storyline, existing units getting a much-needed rules update, and multiple new kits, what more could Ork players ask for?

Speaking of new kits… Let’s not forget about what appears to be a big Ork walker that was spotted in the White Dwarf image that was posted on Warhammer Community after the live preview from GAMA:

UPDATE: this was proven to be a conversion already in Junes WD issue (which is shown below)

adepticon preview plastic Orks

The White Dwarf team have been doing some sterling work of late to incorporate reader feedback into the magazine – kitbashing articles, new rules and classic battle reports refought. In fact, here’s a quick look at one such battle report on its way to newstands soon.

And now check out the models in the top right corner. There appears to be the plastic Deff Koptas, and, at first glance, the model to the left of them appears to be a Deff Dread.  But is it?

new orks plastic rumors

Compare that model to the current Deff Dread below:

While some of the arms appear to be similar, the configuration of legs seems to not be the same at all.

However, the front plate appears to possibly be the same as one of the Stompa heads seen below:

new orks plastic rumors

So is this a legit new model for the Orks to be revealed at some point in the future, a conversion, or something else?

These aren’t the first Ork rumors we’ve seen though, let’s not forget about the rumors from a couple months back. User Haechi, on Advanced Tau Tactica, actually put these rumors out back in November, and so far he’s been spot on.

Alright, I went back to see my “source” friend and asked for details. Here’s what I “know” now (yes I did report wrong things, I should take written notes, sorry lol) : Early and throughout January is double Daemons release, for both 40k and AoS. End of January is Custodes, which could be a longer release than usual as well because it has new entries in the codex (four as far as I know). February is unknown, but some of it will still be Custodes. Early or mid March is still T’au, and the end of the month Necrons. Then April and May are split between Harlequins, Drukharii, and the two new Aelves armies for Aos.

So Haechi actually told us about the Custodes releases over a month before anyone else knew. Could the rest of this rumor hold more truth to it than we thought? We’re already seeing new Daemons releases for 40k and AoS, and Custodes came out in January, T’au and Necrons both came out in March

2018 Release Rumors Latest:

That catches us up to today with the following rumor from Scanner:

New Orks August/September, then wolves following shortly. genestealers around the new year. Sisters Q3 2019 and thats 50/50.

So looks like summer may be a lot busier release wise with something else, possibly AoS 2.0 or maybe something a little more Chaotic for Warhammer 40k?

Excited for your Codex? Are you a Space Wolf or Ork player?  Let us know in the comments on our Facebook Hobby Group.

codex orks space wolves

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