Profundity Strikes: Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | June 6th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

star wars armada

The newest Rebel tactics can catch your opponent completely off guard with the right admiral and the right ship. Admiral Raddus and the Profundity have an idea!

admiral raddus

Admiral Raddus is a rascally devious admiral for the Rebels. Being able to outmaneuver any Imperial ship at the drop of a hat (or ship for that matter) is incredibly powerful. The only stipulation is that the deployed ship cannot be the first ship to activate in the round that it arrives, but that’s not too big of a drawback.

It can actually be a big benefit for a Defiance H1, MC80, but that’s for another time and place. MC75 ordnance cruiser

The MC75 Ordnance is our choice for the Raddus deployment in this fleet. Having black dice in its arcs makes for a great close range fighting ship and being able to be placed anywhere near a friendly ship with Raddus’ ability makes it even more deadly. The Profundity title can add even more outmaneuver options!profundity

The Profundity has a nifty auto-deploy ability much like Admiral Raddus. You may set aside a ship at deployment that can essentially be placed at distance 1 of the Profundity at the start of any round. What we have here is the ability to deploy 2 ships at the start of any round and being able to outmaneuver anything the Empire throws at the Rebels.

Place the Profundity during the start of any round (must be at distance 1 of a friendly ship; perhaps the ship Raddus is on) and then deploy another ship at distance 1 of Profundity. The only stipulation is that the Profundity deployed ship has to have a command value of 1, like a GR-75.

GR-75 medium transports

The GR-75 may not look like a threat with no attack capability of its own, but it’s been harboring Rebel squadrons! That’s right, the deployment chaining continues with this ship and its potential for Rapid Launch Bays. rapid launch bays

This offensive retrofit enables squadrons equal to your squadron value to deploy at distance 1 of the equipped ship when it reveals a squadron command. Since the GR-75 has squadron value 2, it can deploy 2 squadrons. That may not seem like much until you realize that the Profundity also has an offensive retrofit slot for Rapid Launch Bays and a squadron value of 2. That’s 4 squadrons total of alpha strike goodness.b-wing squadron

So we’ve deployed Profundity, deployed our GR-75, and now we’re going to deploy 3 B-Wings and a HWK-290. Since B-Wings are pretty slow at speed 2, give them a helping hand by placing them right where you need them to be: in the enemy’s face. Since the Profundity cannot be activated first, the GR-75 has to deploy its squadrons first and try and weaken enemy shields.

The follow up should be with the Profundity’s squadrons. So they will be vulnerable for a time, but with Jan Ors they can weather the storm.

jan ors moldy crow

Jan Ors is your vital source of intel that can keep those B-Wings bombing ships and not stuck fighting squadrons. She also has the nifty ability to be able to allow those generic B-Wings to use her Brace tokens if they start drawing enemy squadron fire.

This tactic allows you to alpha strike with an MC75 Ordnance Cruiser with 3 B-Wings, right where you need them. You are playing Rebels; you don’ t have to fight fair!

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