Age of Sigmar Soul Wars Starter Box: Is It Worth It?

By Travis Perkins | July 15th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Product Review

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Age of Sigmar’s Soul Wars boxed set has been out for over a week now so let’s see how they hold up to this cheap gamer’s rigorous testing!

From GW the set will run you $160 (but you can get yours for less from Miniature Market) so let’s take a look at what is inside and see if it worth your hard earned hobby dollars.

AoS Soul Wars Starter Box: Is It Worth It?

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soul Wars AoS Soul Wars Starter Box: Is It Worth It?


  • 320 page hard cover core rules book
  • Soft cover core rules booklet
  • Start here booklet
  • 32 page Battle of Glymmsforge booklet
  • Instructions for putting together your miniatures

The big winner here is obviously the Core Rules book that covers the history of the game as well as events that have lead up to the current state of the realms. Inside are maps, facts, stories, artwork, and all sorts of tidbits to add some flavor to the game. On top of that, they dedicate some pages to individual armies fleshing them out and giving them some history. Beyond that they also contain the cores rules plus rules for endless spells and how they work (something the softcover core rulebook is missing). Finally the best part IMO is that they detail how fighting in each of the realms would work including some special rules.

What I don’t like is that the softcover core rules do not have the endless spell instructions in it, and even if you don’t buy that part of the game you still need to know how they work. Another thing is that you need to buy the core rules to get the special realm rules, which are super cool. But for a game that is all about the rules are free, they are certainly making it so you need to somehow acquire a 320 page “Core Rulebook”.

Glymmsforge is a neat little booklet that gives you some background to the starter sets story and talking into some detail about each of the units. It is much better than the original one in the first starter set where is was basically good guy wants to punch bad guy now roll dice.

The instruction manual is your standard glue this here and is nicely organized and easy enough for new players to understand. While the start here booklet just details the battletomes coming out and a couple of the other models available to the Stormcasts and Nighthaunts.

nighthaunt stormcast

Models (Nighthaunts)

  • Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed
  • Lord Executioner
  • Guardian of Souls
  • Spirit Torment
  • 4 Grimghast Reapers
  • 5 Glaivewraith Stalkers
  • 20 Chainrasp Horde

Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (Leader 140 points):

Move 12 inches (fly), Save 4+ (unmodifiable), 10 Bravery, 6 Wounds. Has two different melee attacks the first is the word of stolen hours: Range 1 inch, 4 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend, for 2 damage. Then the horse attacks: Range 1, 2 attacks, hitting on a 4+, wounding on a 5+, for 1 damage.

Allocate wounds from the sword attack before the horse attack, for each hero killed by the sword of stolen hours heal 1 wound. Command Ability Lord of Ghesists: Use this at the start of the command phase, pick a friendly Nighthaunt unit wholly within 18 inches, add 1 to that unit’s attacks characteristic of their melee weapons.

nighthaunt 5 Lord Executioner

Lord Executioner (Leader 80 points):

Move 6’ (fly), Save 4+ (unmodifiable), 10 Bravery, 5 Wounds. Has 1 melee weapon the Decapitating Greataxe: Range 1 inch, 3 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -2 rend, for 1 damage. If you roll a 6+ on a wound roll the attack dead +2 damage.

At the start of the hero phase you can pick an enemy hero within 3 inches and subtract 1 from their hit rolls in the combat phase. Every time this model suffers a mortal wound on a 5+ the wound is negated.

nighthaunt 6 guardian of souls

Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (Leader 140 points):

Move 6’ (fly), Save 4+ (unmodifiable), 10 Bravery, 5 Wounds. Has 1 melee weapon the Chill Blade: Range 1 inch, 3 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend for 1 damage. His lantern adds 1 to wound rolls for melee weapons from all friendly Nighthaunts within 9’.

He is a wizard and can cast and unbind 1 spell, his unique spell is Spectral Lure: Casting value 6, 18 inches, targets a friendly Summonable Nighthaunt unit, the spells either heals a D6 wounds or returns a D6 wounds worth of models.

Spirit Torment (Leader 120 points):

Move 6 inches (fly), Save 4+ (unmodifiable), 10 Bravery, 5 Wounds. Has 1 melee weapon the Shacklegheist Chains: Range 2 inches, 3 attacks, hitting on a 4+, wounding on a 3+, with -2 rend, for D3 damage. At the start of any battleshock phase, if 3 or more enemy models were slain that turn heal D3 wounds (3 if they were Stormcast Eternals) to a friendly Nighthaunt unit within 6 inches.

You can instead return a D3 number of slain models to a unit instead, this can only be used once per Spirit Torment and each Spirit Torment must use 3 different slain enemy models. Finally, all Nighthaunt units wholly within 12 inches of this model can re roll hit rolls of 1.

nighthaunt 4 Grimghast Reapers

Grimghast Reapers (Battleline 140 points per 10 taken):

Move 8 inches (fly), Save 4+ (unmodifiable), 10 Bravery, 1 Wound. They have 1 melee weapon the slasher scythe: Range 2 inches, 2 attacks, hitting on a 4+, wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend, for 1 damage. You can re roll failed hit rolls for the slasher scythes if this unit has 5 or more models. The leader attacks with a death knell rather than scythe: Range 2 inches, 1 attack, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend, for 2 damage. Allocate death knell wounds last and for each enemy model slain by the knell you can inflict 1 mortal wound on an enemy unit within 3 inches of the leader of this unit.

Glaivewraith Stalkers (60 points per 4):

Move 6 inches (fly), Save 4+ (unmodifiable), 6 Bravery, 1 Wound. Has 2 melee weapon which is the hunter’s glaive: Range 2 inches, 2 attacks, hitting on a 4+, wounding on a 3+, for 1 damage. This unit can retreat and charge in the same turn. You can re roll failed hit rolls for attacks with this unit if they or the target charged this turn.

nighthaunt2 Chainrasp Horde

Chainrasp Horde (Battleline 80 points per 10 taken):

Move 6 inches (fly), Save 5+ (unmodifiable), 6 Bravery, 1 Wound. Has 1 melee weapon the malignat weapon: Range 1 inch, 2 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 4+, for 1 damage. Re roll wound rolls of 1 when this unit has more than 10 models. The leader is a dreadwarden he gets 1 additional attack and make the units bravery 10 rather than 6.

So coming in at 840 points this is a pretty solid starting force. You get an astounding 4 leader models and can cover all three of your battle line units. Obviously, you need to use your leaders abilities to buff your units otherwise they are a little bit pillow fisted but overall I like the mechanics and the look of the models. Be sure to keep bringing models back otherwise your army will be quickly outnumbered so keeping your heroes safe is key.

Putting them together was pretty easy (love snap fit) and I only glued my fingers together once or twice and didn’t break anything off of them! The downside is that they only give you 4 Grimghast Reapers when you are going to be paying for 10 to make up a min battleline unit.

So you are forced to go out and purchase another 6 from somewhere (guessing a small box coming from GW soon).

Editor’s note: GW did indeed release a multipart kit of ten Grimghast Reapers since this article was written

aos soul wars 1

aos soul wars 2


Models (Stormcast Eternal)

  • Lord Arcanum on Gryph Charger
  • Knight Incantor
  • 3 Evocators
  • 5 Castigators
  • 8 Sequitors
  • Celestar Ballista (with 2 Stormcast Eternals)

Stormcast wizardLord Arcanum on Gryph Charger (Leader 240 points):

Move 12 inches, 3+ Save, 9 Bravery, 7 Wounds. He has 2 different melee attacks the first is the Aetherstave: Range 2 inches, 4 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend, for D3 damage. Then the Gryph chargers attacks: Range 1 inch, 3 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -2 rend, for 1 damage. The Gryph chargers attacks if the hit roll is a 6+ it deals a mortal wound instead of normal damage. Cycle of the Storm: Once per turn when a friendly Stormcast Eternal is slain within 18 inches instead of removing the model you can heal 1 wound. (Cannot be used on this model) Ride the Wind: instead of moving you can roll 6D6 and move that many inches in a direction as if this model can fly, if must end its move more than 3 inches from enemy models and it cannot charge this turn. Spirit Flasks:

Once per battle at the start of combat phase you can break 1, 2, or 3 spirit flasks, if so deal 1 mortal wound for each unit within 3 inches for each flask. If the unit has 10 or more models they deal D3 damage instead, wounds are allocated to the Lord Arcanum last. He is a wizard who can cast and unbind one spell, his unique spell is healing light: Casting value 5, range 18 inches, target is a Stormcast Eternal model, that model heals D3 wounds or D6 if the casting roll was 8+. Prime Electrids: If you cast arcane bolt with this model it deals D3 rather than 1 mortal wound or a D6 on a 10+ casting roll. Command ability soul energy:

This ability can be used in the command, shooting, or combat phase. If used in the command phase a friendly unit of Evocators within 6 inches, they can automatically cast empower no roll is required. If used in the shooting phase pick a friendly unit of castigators within 6 inches and they can use aetheric channeling to increase power and accuracy rather than just one or the other. If used in the combat phase pick a friendly unit of Sequitors within 6 inches and they can use aetheric channeling to power weapons and shields rather than just one or the other.

Knight Incantor (Leader 140 points):

Move 5 inches, 3+ save, 9 Bravery, 5 Wounds. Has 1 melee weapon the incantor’s staff: Range 2 inches, 3 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend for D3 damage. Voidstorm Scroll: Once per battle this model can automatically unbind a spell instead of making an unbind roll. Spirit Flasks:

Once per battle at the start of combat phase you can break 1, 2, or 3 spirit flasks, if so deal 1 mortal wound for each unit within 3 inches for each flask. If the unit has 10 or more models they deal D3 damage instead, wounds are allocated to the Knight Incantor last. She is a wizard and can cast and unbind 1 spell, her unique spell is spirit storm: Casting value 7, each enemy unit within 18 inches, all enemy units suffer 1 mortal wound and subtract 1 from run and charge rolls while within 18 inches.

Evocators (200 points for 5):

Move 5 inches, Save 4+, 8 Bravery, 3 wounds. Have 1 melee weapon the templast blade and stormstave: Range 1 inch, 4 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, for 1 damage. The leader of this unit is a prime and gets an additional attack. Celestial Lightning Arc: In the shooting phase re roll saves of 1, in the combat phase after resolving this units attack pick an enemy unit within 3 inches and roll 2 dice for each model in this unit, on a 4+ the enemy suffers 1 mortal wound.

This unit is considered a wizard as long as it has 2 or more models and can cast and unbind 1 spell, their unique spell is Empower: Casting value 6, target is friendly Redeemer or Sacrosanct unit within 8 inches, until your next hero phase they can re roll failed wound rolls.

Castigators (80 points for 3):

Move 5 inches, 4+ save, 7 bravery, 2 wounds. Has a single missile weapon the thunderhead greatbow: Range 18 inches, 1 attack, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend, for 1 damage. For melee they have a heavy stock attack: range 1 inch, 2 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 4+, for 1 damage. The prime adds 1 to his hit rolls for the thunderhead greatbow. Against Daemon or Nighthaunt units the thunderhead greatbow deals D3 wounds hits instead of 1 on unmodified rolls of 6. At the start of the shooting phase choose to increase accuracy or power, if you choose accuracy re roll hit roll of 1, if you choose power then rend becomes -2 rather than -1.

Sequitors (Battleline, 120 points for 5):

Move 5 inches, Save 4+, 7 Bravery, 2 wounds. Has two different melee weapons first is stormsmith maul: Range 1 inch, 2 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+ for 1 damage. Then the prime and 1 out of every 3 models has a stormsmite greatmace: Range 1 inch, 2 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend, for 2 damage. The prime gets a bonus attack with his stormsmite greatmace. All models in this unit can re roll save rolls of 1 as long as any models are equipped with a shield. At the start of the combat phase you choose to either reroll all failed save rolls (instead of just 1’s), or re roll all failed hit rolls. Finally if fighting Daemons or Nighthaunts the greatmaces do D3 damage instead of 1 on hit rolls of 6+.

Celestar Ballista (Artillery, 100 points):

Move 3 inches, 4+ save, 7 bravery, 7 wounds. Has a missile weapon with two different option the first is single shot: Range 36 inches, 1 attack, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -2 rend for 1 damage. The second option is to instead use rapid fire: Range 18 inches, 4 attacks, hitting on a 5+, wounding on a 3+, with -2 rend for 1 damage. Melee weapon is sigmarite blades: Range 1 inch, 4 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 4+, for 1 damage. If this unit is in cover add 2 to its save rolls rather than just 1. For each hit from the missile weapons roll a D6 and that is how many hits it is instead of just 1.

Total is 880 points so another solid showing starter set from the Stormcast Eternals. The Sequitors are an amazing battleline unit and at only 20 more points than Liberators I think you’re going to see a lot of these used instead of Liberators. The ballista can be good but you really need the Lord Orator nearby to get extra shots. The castigators are decent but I am not sure if they are better than the Judicators, I will need to play with both before I decide. For me the Evocators are the star of the show in this set, hitting and wounding on a 3+ with rend and 4 attacks each is astounding to me.

Add mortal wound rolls on a 4+ and they are considered a wizard is just crazy. At 200 points this is going to be a must add unit to my army every time. The Knight Incantor is a solid choice while I don’t love her unique spell, I do like her auto dispel and the spirit flasks.

Finally, the lord is really good but at 240 points is a little weak in terms of a 7 wound model and can easily be sniped. The reason for the points though is the Sequators battleline unit while this model is your general which more than makes up for it.

These models are all snap fit as well and also went together relatively easy, I did have some trouble with the lord. My main gripe is that again they only gave you 3 Evocators instead of 5 needed for the min unit size in the Generals Handbook.

age of sigmar reboot AoS & Soul Wars Miniature Crates Arrive For July

Other bits:

  • 12 dice which are 14mm and a very lovely turquoise gem color
  • 12 inch rules
  • Transfer sheet for the Stormcast eternals
  • 32 page same black library novel
  • Warscroll Cards

The transfer sheet is a nice touch to add to your Stormcast Eternals if you are interested in that, while the ruler I promptly lost and didn’t care that I lost it. The warscroll cards are one great addition to this that I didn’t know I loved until I had them, and I am going to make my own like that for all my models. Those dice really are lovely and I will be exclusively using them along with some of my random dice I have acquired over the years.

The black library novel is sitting on my shelf and will probably just get recycled as I have no interest in reading part of a story. Personally, I think GW missed a nice opportunity here to showcase some of the other cool gamer’s aids they have. For example not including a combat gage seemed like a poor choice.

A new player is not going to have any idea what a combat gage is, but if they had included one instead maybe made out of the same material as the ruler it would help new players with piling in and measuring short distances.

Also come on GW, nobody is using a 12 inch ruler, either stick with the whippy sticks (previous editions) or include a tape measure.

Finally not including a couple of scenery dice or wound dice I think was also a missed opportunity. If I only have 12 of the same color dice (a new player) marking wounds might get confusing and it eats into my dice pool. Same with having to use your D6 to mark scenery.

Having bought the scenery dice I can say they are awesome and the symbols on the dice help you remember what the scenery does.

jump to conclusions


I like this set especially if you are an existing Stormcast player. The Nighthaunt models are trading or selling really well right now if you have no interest in them so you can easily get half of your investment back by selling those. If you are interested in the Nighthaunt models it is a great starting point with 4 leaders and all three of your battlelines needed already. This will let you focus on filling out your remaining force with some heavy hitting models.

The books are pretty good and I think the hardcover core rulebook is going to be required in to play in the realms moving forward. It makes me sad that they won’t include those realm rules for free or at least offer this book as softcover for half the price but it is what it is. Finally again the odd bits the dice are nice but I do think they missed the mark by not showcasing some of the gamers aids like scenery dice, combat gages etc.

Overall B, reason not an A is because no scenery included and they gave weird amounts of models that do not gel well with the general’s handbook.

If you are a Stormcast player this is an A+ and you can sell your Nighthaunt models right now to cover more than half of the going price of this.


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