Beastclaws Take the Win: ATC 2018 Age of Sigmar 2.0

By Tim Roberts | July 22nd, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, ATCs, Tournament Coverage

AoS Champ ATC 2018

Come and take a look at the winner of the AoS singles tournament at the American Team Championship 2018 with a full army break down.

Editors Note: Please read this post on my disqualification from the event because this list was over on points.

With the fresh release of Age of Sigmar 2.0, the popularity of this new edition is bringing new players and new events out of the woodwork. Let’s take a look at the winning army from the first AoS event at ATC.

Beastclaws Take the Win: ATC 2018 Age of Sigmar 2.0


Our very own Cat Commander, Rob Baer takes the trophy in the AoS event over the weekend. Let’s take a look at the tools he used to get it done with a combined force of Trolls and Beastclaws.

Rob ATC List 1Rob ATC List 2

Plus a Troggoth Frost Hag Ally for 360 Points (not currently programmed in on Azyr)
Robs Trogoth Hag

Braggoth’s Beast Hammer is a powerhouse Battalion on the tabletop. Iron Jaws and Beastclaws join forces to smash headlong into the enemy for +1 to hit bubbles, and a once per game pile in and fight again at the end of one of your combat phases.

The Trogoth Hag holds down the backfield casting Chronomantic Cogs to aid the movement of this fighting force and Unbinding magic.

Rob's Beastclaws Come and take a look at the winning army for the AoS singles tournament at the American Team Championship 2018 with a full army break down.

This Battalion is also more than likely going to get first turn as it only has three drops with the Battalion, Troggoth, and third Mournfangs. Movement wise the army benefits from the Everwinter table, possibly getting another 3″ of movement, and the 6″ run, and rerolls on charges command on the Frostlord himself making him a guided Ogre missile for at least one turn.

Editor’s note the above statement has been edited to be correct, as in this list a third battleline was added to be correct and it is a three drop list. This article was written by a staff writer who was not familiar with the army list version for the ATCs, and who had played previous non-hag versions of this list.

So generally it hits first and it hits hard.

Congratulations to you Rob on your hard-won victory at ATC 2018!

Make sure you guys stay in the trenches and check out all of our coverage of the American Team Championship.

We also have a few tutorials on how you paint your own Beastclaws for Age of Sigmar too: