Could it be Leatherface? Rumor Engine Pic Spotted

By Wesley Floyd | July 10th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

gw store rumor engine

Welcome back! Another rumor engine picture has been spotted this morning and it looks like something out of a horror movie.

Warhammer Community teased us with the picture of some kind of “clothing”. We can’t make out where on the model it goes. But it looks like it’s made out of stitched pieces of skin. It could just be a bunch of rags sewn together. We don’t really know but you should take a look for yourself.

If you missed last week’s Rumor Engine, you should check it out.

Could it be Leatherface? Rumor Engine Pic Spotted

rumor engine 7-10-18

Just for starters, it could be cloth…but it could also be some kind of leather. It’s hard to tell when it’s only black and white. Could this just be a really old cloak? Or could there be something more sinister to this bit. Like maybe some skin on an old Necromancer for AoS? This is far-fetched but could it be part of a Necronomicon? Notice how the line at the top is fairly straight? Maybe this is the book cover being held by some Witch.

necronomicon Could it be Leatherface? Rumor Engine Pic Spotted

Do you have any ideas of what it could go to? Is it for AoS or 40k? One thing is for certain, they need to work on their sewing skills. It doesn’t look like torn up skin on someone’s body like what we’ve seen on so many Nurgle models because there’s a serious lack of puss and ooze leaking everywhere. There’s also no maggots or horns (yay).

flayed one

If it IS skin, it’s way too…pristine to be on something like a Flayed one.

Editor’s Note: It’s probably the rumored Skaven release for Age of Sigmar. It seems like we have been seeing B&W Images of painted items that release within 3ish months, and 3D renders over a year out form their releases. Either way, these are always worth a look.

Do you have an idea of what this could be for? Can we narrow it down to AoS or 40k? Let us know what you all think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

cartoon ear whisper rumor

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