Rumor Engine: We Don’t Mean to Harp Too Much

By Wesley Floyd | July 3rd, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

gw store rumor engine

This week’s rumor engine is here and it’s looking like some kind of Aelven instrument with strings. Can you help us figure it out?

Coming from Warhammer Community this morning, they’ve just released a new rumor engine picture. The question is…is it for AoS or 40k? Then it raises another. What faction is it for? Could it be some kind of weapon or maybe just a cosmetic bit? Let’s look a bit deeper into the situation.

If you missed last week’s Rumor Engine, you can check it out now.

Rumor Engine: We Don’t Mean to Harp Too Much

Help us figure out what we’re looking at exactly. We need your honest ideas.

rumor engine 7-3-18 Rumor Engine: We Don't Mean to Harp Too Much

The design of this bit just looks like it’s got some Aelven undertones to it. Could it be a new musician model for Deepkin in AoS? Maybe a Drukkhari piece of torture equipment for 40k? Could it even be some kind of twisted harp for Slaanesh? That’s a far-fetched idea, but we have seen some Slaanesh-suggestive pictures popping up lately.

rumor engine claw

This was spotted on a Rumor Engine a while back. it’s a split decision between a Tyranid claw and a Slaaneshi Daemon arm. What do you think?

slanesh art

Could GW finally be giving Slaanesh some love in the future? We think it’s about time for it. GW has been dropping some amazing stuff recently and it hasn’t stopped. It may not be too crazy of an idea after all.

Even though the picture looks like some kind of harp, we may be totally off. GW is notorious for flipping and inverting pictures so keep an eye out for specific details on new model previews. What do you think the bit could be? Is it for AoS or 40k? What faction is it for? Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

cartoon ear whisper rumor

Latest Rumor Engine pictures