Destruction on a Budget: Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | July 5th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics


A viable tactic for achieving victory in Armada is to take out expensive ships while keeping your losses low. This MC30 can be your low-cost destructive option!

MC30c Torpedo Frigate

The MC30 is a small Rebel ship that strikes fear in Imperial Admirals’ hearts. This ship may look frail but can be impressively difficult to take down. With redundant Redirect and Evade defense tokens, this ship can be safe while it makes its attack approach from long to short range. Its Redirects can keep it in the fight for quite a while with its generous shields in each arc. This ship will be as bare-bones as possible, so let’s keep its costs low.

Skilled First Officer

A Skilled First Officer is a fantastic upgrade, especially on ships with a command value of 2. Since this ship is designed to get in close and deliver its payload of ordnance, it will rely on its Navigate commands to maximize its potential. Once it reaches its attack range, it will want to Concentrate Fire in order to make the most of its damage window at close range. These 2 commands can be interchangeable depending on the battle, as it is a welcome tactic to change commands on the fly. This can keep this small ship unpredictable, which will keep it alive far longer than intended.

External Racks

Once the Torpedo Frigate does reach close range, fire off its External Racks to give you some more punch.

The most preferred method of ordnance delivery will come with a double arc, in which you use External Racks in your front arc (4 black, 1 blue) and then attack the same ship with your side arc (3 black, 2 blue) for a massive 10 dice attack, without even concentrating fire. Ordnance Experts would be a great upgrade for this ship as well to re-roll all of those black dice.

Reinforced Blast Doors

After all of that damage output, the Empire will want this ship dead. To keep it ticking even longer, and blasting away at ISDs, use Reinforced Blast Doors. This defensive upgrade can save a ship from the brink of death by removing up to 3 facedown damage cards at the start of the Ship Phase.

This MC30 can trade blows with an ISD and can hopefully send it on its way to destruction before its own shields run out! 

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