Kill Team Modular Terrain & New ETB Kits Revealed

hor of space marine and chaos

Exciting times are ahead for 40k and AoS players as new White Dwarf previews reveal the Kill Team terrain and more ETB kits for Age of Sigmar!

30k Legend Garro revealed what’s on the way for the gaming world next month with this previews from White Dwarf.

Pictures of “modular” terrain that’s got some serious size to it and some new Age of Sigmar kits with some of them being ETB were spotted. Let’s break everything down and take a closer look at we’ve got coming.

Kill Team Modular Terrain

These terrain kits are actually for Kill Team but let’s be honest; anyone can use them for a 30k/40k setting. The exciting part about this terrain is it can be broken down and set up again easily.

Kill Team Modular Terrain 1

Kill Team Modular Terrain

Detailing on the terrain is wonderful considering it’s collapsable. Look at the statues!

modular terrain 3

One exciting note: notice the height of the terrain? A lot of it is twice as tall as the Knights. We’ve finally got some good LOS blocking terrain and plenty of space for our little infantry guys to crawl into.

Age of Sigmar Kits

We’ve got some insight on what’s coming to the AoS scene from a couple of photos on Garro’s Facebook as well.

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Out of the 9 boxed kits coming, 3 will be easy to build, One being Reikenor. Is this the first time we’ve seen a named character of that size come inside an ETB box? The endless spells might as well be ETB as well (excluding the Purple Sun….Holy cow).

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As for Stormcast Eternals, only two will be ETB with one being Astreia Solbright. It’s nice to see they are making a named character in ETB form. It will be more appealing as a new player to know they can get a great hero for their army and not have to struggle for two hours putting it together.

The real question is if the ETB kits will be made out of the same kind of plastic as Malign Sorcery models. Ultimately, with the spotlight on Stormcast Eternals and Nighthaunt for the past month, these kits will probably go quick.

Curious about the prices for some of these releases?  We posted wave two’s last week that will be arriving in stores soon!  What kits are you looking forward to? Will you be getting some of that new terrain for your game room?

What’s your opinion on having ETB kits and more specifically, characters?

Does that draw you in more or will you be getting the other characters instead? Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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