The Floor is Larva! New Rumor Engine Pic SPOTTED

By Wesley Floyd | August 7th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

gw store rumor engine

The Floor is Larva! A new rumor engine pic was spotted this morning and it’s got people guessing what it could go to. Check it out with us.

Warhammer Community dropped a new rumor engine pic this morning. It looks like there’s a big mama bug just out of view. Let’s break the pic down and see if we can come up with some good guesses as to what this could be.

If you missed last week’s rumor engine, you can check it out now.

The Floor is Larva! New Rumor Engine Pic SPOTTED

rumor engine 8-7-18 The Floor is Larva! New Rumor Engine Pic SPOTTED

Larva is dripping off the stomach of some kind of Creature in the rumor engine pic. Maybe this is some kind of Tyranid releasing it’s babies.

Could this really just be the disgusting armpit of a follower of Nurgle dripping maggots? It’s definitely a possibility.

Could it actually be a brand new unit and model coming out that we’ve never seen before? Something like…ENSLAVERS? Let’s hope so. Enslavers have been a part of GW’s untouched goldmine. They would bring an entirely new aspect to the game being that they’re Warp creatures but don’t follow any kind of Chaos God.


That could be Enslaver larva dripping off the underside of a mama Enslaver. It’s a longshot but there are no wrong answers until we actually see this bit released on a sprue.

It may not even be for 40k. This could be some kind of creature for AoS. We won’t have any way of knowing until our bit experts in the community help us find the model hidden in some previews.

What do you think the rumor engine pic could be? Do you hope it’s an Enslaver or something else? Have we seen maggots/larva like that on another model before? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

cartoon ear whisper rumor

More rumor engine pics left to solve