Aggressive Assault: Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | September 5th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

assault frigate

The Assault Frigate may make a cautious approach to battle, but this ship is ready for close range engagements. Aggressive Rebel style!

Assault Frigate Mark II A

The Assault Frigate Mark II A is the more aggressive version of the Rebel medium ship, as it has respectable batteries in each arc. We want this Assault Frigate to get in close and blast Imperial ships, so we will forgo Gunnery Teams and shoot for double arcs.


The Paragon title can help us in double arcing enemy ships. While attacking a ship you have already attacked this round, you may add 1 black die to your attack pool. This can help get more damage onto hull by starting with your side arc of 3 reds and 1 blue, then following up with the front arc with 2 reds, 1 blue, and 1 black. You can even use concentrate fire on your black dice since it is part of your pool on your second attack!

Major Derlin

Being in close to Imperial ships can be treacherous, so Major Derlin is commanding. Before you suffer damage from an attack, you may exhaust this card to reduce the total damage by 1. This can help out in close range battles, where your evade defense token cannot be used.

Turbolaser Reroute Circuits

That evade can be useful at close range with Turbolaser Reroute Circuits. Since you cannot use an evade for defense at close, might as well use it for offense. While attacking, you may exhaust TRCs and spend 1 evade token to change 1  red die to a face with a crit or 2 hits. This can add up quickly, especially with those Paragon black dice. Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams

To turn the tide and catch Imperial ships right where you want them, equip Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams. When you activate, you may exhaust this card to choose 1 enemy ship of your size class or smaller at range 1-5; that ship must spend 1 navigate token or reduce its speed by 1 to a minimum of 1.

This can effect Victorys, Raiders, Quasars, and Arquitens and can help you blast them into dust!

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