New Teasers: Rogue Trader Rules For Warhammer 40k

rogue trader wal

You’ve heard by now that both Rogue Trader Kill Teams are getting their own mini codex to be used in 40k. Let’s check out the latest preview from GW.

Warhammer Community released a preview of what both Kill Teams inside the Rogue Trader box set will play like. Check out a snapshot of the Elucidian Starstriders and Gellerpox Infected.

New Teasers: Rogue Trader Rules For Warhammer 40k

Don’t miss the latest rules previews for the new Rogue Trader from earlier in the week.

Elucidian Starstriders

warrant of trade New Teasers: Rogue Trader Rules For Warhammer 40k

Warrant of trade is the Rogue Traders version of the Authority of the Inquisition rule allowing models to embark on any kind of vehicle that has the Imperium keyword.

If the stats are good enough on the Rogue Traders, you can throw one into your list as an Auxillary detachment and let them tag along with the rest of your force without any headache.

rogue trader codex 1

This entire squad is coming in at a measly 36 points. that’s it. You get weapons that do two damage a pop, five Voidsmen (similar to Guardsmen), and a pupper named Aximillion. All for 36 points. The rotor cannon is by far the best weapon on the list here as it’s a solid 4 shots.

It could get some Terminators off your back if they start trying to get froggy with you.


As for Aximillion, don’t expect him to do too much. His stats are underwhelming. But he IS just a dog in the grimdark 40k universe so what can we expect.

Gellerpox Infected

kill team rogue trader


We haven’t seen any official stat sheets on how the Gellerpox will play in 40k. But we know that the Nightmare Hulks are tough as nails in Kill Team. If that translates correctly into 40k, they’ll be a fantastic addition for the army that’s notoriously hard to kill.

With Toughness 5, 4 Wounds and Disgustingly Resilient, Nightmare Hulks are among Kill Team’s most durable choices and work as brutally effective biological battering rams. If you’re looking for an elite kill team, three of these guys plus a Glitchling to make up the numbers is pretty deadly!

The Gellerpox will also have the Nurgle keyword making them immune to any Nurgle’s Rot related effects from the rest of your army.

On top of that, they’ll be getting mutated rats and bugs to keep small unit spam lists alive. They’ll be cheap and resilient like any Nurgle-blessed unit should be.

What do you think about the previews for Kill Team Rogue Trader? Will you be bolstering your army with their models in 40k? What faction do you like the most? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

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