RUMORS: 40k Kill Team Commanders & Inquisitors

By Wesley Floyd | September 17th, 2018 | Categories: 40k Kill Team, Warhammer 40k Rumors


For all you 40k Kill Team lovers out there, there’s some word today of even more models and factions that may be coming. Don’t miss this one!

The rumor was originally spotted on a Bolter and Chainsword thread when someone noticed a “designer’s commentary” section from the new Kill Team: Rogue Trader book.

Check out what it had to say.

RUMORS: 40k Kill Team Commanders & Inquisitors

sfPanzer posted these pics on the thread:

designer's commentary RUMORS: 40k Kill Team Commanders & Inquisitors

Like we said, this came straight out of the Kill Team: Rogue Trader booklet under what looks to be the injury chart. So what is a Commander? Well, Commanders are the characters in a Kill Team that serve as the lynchpin for the faction. Elucia and Vulgrar, both leaders from the factions inside the Rogue Trader box set are prime examples of this.

kill team rumor

sfPanzer posted this pic above in reference to Commanders. But we got a lot more than we expected from it. Let’s break down the key points here.

  • The first three supplements are Rogue Trader, Inquisitor, and Commanders.
  • Inquisitors will be their own Kill Team
  • Commanders are coming to all factions.
  • Commanders may bring new models.

Kill Team: Inquisition?

inquisitor inquisition


Going by the rumor, there are three releases coming for Kill Team and we’ve already seen one of them. That leaves Inquisition and Commanders. Let’s HOPE that Inquisitors actually come out for Kill Team. They’re practically useless in 40k with the way Keywords work now. The models are too cool not to pass up.

Supposedly the release order from GW got jumbled up. According to the rumor, we were supposed to see Black Fortress before Kill Team: Rogue Trader, but it doesn’t look like anyone is complaining.

Commanders in Kill Team


We may also be seeing exclusive Commander models coming to all of the Kill Team factions. They’ll more than likely have a set of special rules unique to their Kill Team and have a nice bounty on their head for their opponents to try and take.

It would only make sense for Inquisition to come out BEFORE Commanders. That way, the Inquisition can have a Commander model released along with all the other factions. But GW has done some really weird things before so this is just wishful thinking, of course.

Exciting times are ahead for Kill Team regardless of what happens. Since its reboot, it looks like the game has actually gotten off the ground and isn’t going to fizzle out like past attempts. If these rumors are true, we can only guess what’s coming next.

Either Kill Team Inquisition or Commanders. What would you like to see first? What kind of rules do you think Commanders will have? Will we see exclusive Inquisition models when their Kill Team is introduced? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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