A Feather in Your Cap: New GW Rumor Engine

gw store rumor engine

GW’s brand new rumor engine is out this morning. Let’s take a look at what kind of hint into the future they’re giving us. What do you think it could be?

Games Workshop just released the newest Rumor Engine this morning and it took us a little by surprise. We thought it might be something to do with Orks, but our gut feeling is that it’s the farthest thing from an Ork bit.

If you missed last week’s rumor engine, check it out now.

A Feather in your Cap

rumor engine 10-23-18

Well, there it is. In all its…feathery? glory. Like we said before, we figured it would be some kind of last-minute hint at something for Orks just before they explode onto the shelves in the earlier part of November.

kaptin badruk

But when’s the last time you’ve seen an Ork wear a feather beside Kaptin Badruk? Let’s dig a little bit deeper and explore our options here. For argument’s sake, we’re going to assume that it’s a feather we’re looking at. It could be something like a weird fin, but that’s a little less likely.

free people

When we really stop and think about the bit, we lean more towards something for AoS. There’s definitely a spike at the bottom and that leaves the door open for the possibility of some kind of helmet with a feather. Could the Free People be getting a revamp soon? Let’s hope so! That’s a faction that really needs a boost!

What do you think about the rumor engine this week? Are we looking at something for AoS or 40k? Maybe even LOTR? Is the spike the top of a helmet or the very end of a spearhead? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.