RUMORS: New Chaos Abaddon & Obliterators Latest

By Wesley Floyd | October 30th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

eternal crusade abaddon

For a while now, we’ve been seeing Abaddon rumors pop up from all kinds of different sources. Let’s take a look at the latest from all of the rumors so far.

Chaos player’s ears should be perking up. Abaddon is a monster in 8th edition and is even seen in competitive play. The only bad part to all this is that his current model isn’t exactly “current”.

abaddon miniature

With that, let’s dive right into the rumors swirling around this character.

April 12th, 2018

abaddon chaos beetter

via anonymous sources on Faeit

We had talked about Black Legion, and how I was bummed about losing some of the special units from their supplement.

He said Bringers of Despair are coming back this summer. WS 2, BS 2 Terminators who can tank wounds for Abaddon. He told me there’s more on the way but wasn’t specific.

The latest rumor is stating that the Bringers of Despair will be making their way into 8th edition in the form of Terminators with a WS/BS 2+, and they’ll be able to take wounds for Abaddon. But, given the source, we really recommend adding plenty of salt to this one.

Industry insiders report:

“Look for the return of Abaddon and his entourage this year on the heels of the Orks.”

Currently, we are in Ork prime time and the year is starting to come to a close. Going by the rumor, we should be seeing Abaddon and some Bringers of Despair popping up very soon.

May 30th, 2018

BoLS gave us some clues of what the future could look like after the Knight codex.

abaddon walpaper - Copy

  • The rumors from BoLS say to keep an eye out for an Ork codex after the Knight codex is released. Then there will be Space Wolves, Genestealer Cult, and Ynnari to come out  (in no particular order).  Once the 8th edition Codexes come out, there should be some books on lore advancing the story everyone is in for 8th.
  • People are saying that when these books come out, there will be new minis to go with them. The first set sounds like it’s going to be Abaddon.

Going by this rumor, the timeline is more or less accurate. We DID have a Knight, Ork, and Space Wolves codex all released recently. Plus Genestealer Cult previews are beginning to pop up. There’s still no date on the GSC book, but if their codex comes out and there’s still no Abaddon model, we can use that to gauge just how far away we are to seeing Abaddon.

September 6th, 2018

abaddon the despoiler by chimpinxThere was something that looked like a French-language stream that was recorded and put on Youtube. Apparently somewhere in the video, they started talking about this rumor.  We don’t know the context of the conversation or who’s speaking here. But here’s the apparent translation:

Four or Five month ago, an american guy “dreamt” of new obliterators. We had the same “dream”. It would be for the end of the year, or beginning of next year, we’ll have a recast of Abaddon and Obliterators. I saw Santa, he was talking to Abaddon: Abaddon was in a box set with some obliterators, fighting other people looking like humans […]. (answering a question) No, it’s not the Battle Sisters ! I don’t know, maybe I spoke too quickly.  No, they will be imperial humans in 3+ power armor.

This rumor is a fatty. Based off of where we are in GW’s release timeline, people are starting to really look into Blackstone Fortress for the Abaddon model. Why? Because a Blackstone Fortress is a Chaos Stronghold (Abaddon could totally be hanging out in one, or trying to get one back…). AND the person/people going in are regular ol’ humans.

Granted, we haven’t seen anyone in power armor out of all of the Blackstone Fortress previews, but we’ve also only seen one model.

janus draik

Janus Draik-Blackstone Fortress

October 30th, 2018

Chapter Master Valrak has indicated that one of the potential Chaos Space Marines will be none other than Abaddon himself.

Take it with Salt, a GW Store Member contacted me and said, that they will be showing off the new Abbadon model.

abaddon lore

Regarding the release date, Valrak also mentions the 3rd or 10th of November as well.

I don’t want to go into too much detail in case this guy is right and he gets sacked or anything, he said, 3rd or the 10th of November.

We’ll see how true it is soon enough!

More models may also be a Kroot and the Eldar Ranger spotted above as well, for the “Imperials”.

I think we’ll get a Kroot and an Eldar Ranger.

Speaking of an Eldar Ranger, take a look at what was spotted in the most recent Blackstone Fortress video.

precupice 1

There’s a lone Eldar going into the Tent to talk to Janus on a “space station” called Precipice. Check out the video.

Rumors from all different parts of the web are sprouting up and where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire. People are looking to Blackstone Fortress to be the source of Abaddon. What do you think about these rumors as they start to pile up?

Let us know in comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.