RUMORS: Pricing & Values For Speed Freeks Box Set

By Rob Baer | October 15th, 2018 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

orktober speedwaaagh speed freeks
Bold predictions are here for the new Speed Freeks that’s our first big kick-off into “Orktober”. Come see what the pricing and values may be!

Games Workshop announced that Speed Freeks is right around the corner and will be bringing all-new models into the Ork’s arsenal.

Update: Price now has been confirmed at $150.

Speed Freeks Box Set

We’ve covered Speed Freeks before, but to recap, this high-orktane racing game pits you against a friend in brutal death races on the surface of Vigilus – or any other world where Orks, Meks and their madcap inventions can be found.

In the box, you’ll find the rules, tokens and templates you need to play, plus six Warbikes and two of the new Ork buggies, exclusive to this set.

speed freeks game Which Ork Clan Do You Belong To? Ork Preview LATEST

Speed Freeks is fully compatible with all the other new the Ork buggies, too, meaning you’ll be able to expand your game to feature Megatrakk Scrapjets, Deffkilla Wartrikes et al with ease. For the models inside alone, the set is a cracking deal – basically, it’s a great way to start collecting your Speedwaaagh!, with the added bonus of being a brilliant standalone game.

You’ll be able to pre-order Speed Freeks on the 20th of October.

RUMORS: Pricing & Values For Speed Freeks Box Set

ork buggy wal RUMORS: Pricing & Values For Speed Freeks Box Set

Let’s take a look at the value of everything inside the box if you were going to buy all the models separately.

This box looks extremely similar to the Killzone box sets for Kill Team. The most recent one being the Wall of Martyrs.

wall of martyrs

Value of the Vehicles inside

Just remember, we don’t know the price of the new Speed Freeks vehicles so we are going to split the cost of a Battlewagon ($66) and a Trukk ($37.25). That comes out to be $52(We are spitballing so the price could be more or less.)

  • two sets of Warbikes: $82.50
  • two Speed Freeks Vehicles: $104


The Speed Freeks box looks similar to a “Start Collecting” box mixed with a Killzone. Most start collectings go for about $85. We already covered that Killzones go for $80. 


An important side note: Speed Freeks looks like it’ll only have two of the new vehicles inside the box.

speed freeks

With GW following the pattern of printing plastic pieces to match the paint scheme of the vehicles, (we saw this with Dark Imperium and all of the Shadespire kits), it looks like the Kustom Boomblasta and the Shockjump Dragsta will be the two inside.

speed freeks buggy

Kustom Boomblasta


Shockjump Dragsta

We can also tell from the image above that its a footlocker style box (similar to the Kill Team Starter), which retailed for $130,  and not a Start Collecting slide out style.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team

The value of the Kill Team box ended up being $271  just for the models, and rulebook alone. With only four sets of models inside the Speed Freeks box, it’s hard to make a solid call on the pricing, but given the retail patterns above, I think its safe to say this box won’t cost Ork players as much as we all had thought in the beginning.

The question now may be how much will the other vehicles and Ork Warboss end up costing hobbyists as Orktober rolls into Norkvember?

Do you think the price of $150 is worth it? What vehicle has been your favorite so far? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.