Thrawn’s Victories: Star Wars Armada Fleet Build

By Barclay Montgomery | October 25th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Grand Admiral Thrawn, the master strategist, will be trying his hand at commanding a fleet of Victory Star Destroyers. Can he coordinate these sluggish relics?

Victory II-class Star Destroyer

Grand Admiral Thrawn will sit comfortably at the bridge of a Vic-II in this fleet. His right and left flanks will be guarded by 2 Vic-I’s, ready to command squadrons while Thrawn coordinates their actions from afar.  This can allow him to sit in a long-range artillery platform to keep him away from the brutal close range engagements that can unfold in Armada.

This trick to getting this absolute most out of this fleet will be to get the Victorys to command squadrons and also navigate effectively into prime attack positions. Thrawn will use all of his strategic prowess to get these ships precisely where he needs them.Grand Admiral Thrown

Grand Admiral Thrawn has the ability to add 3 extra command dials to your fleet. These command dials are placed on his commander card and can be revealed at the start of the Ship phase to essentially give your ships 2 command dials in a turn. The trick is to select the best commands for the predicted turns in which the maximum value can be gleaned.

For a fleet of Victory classes, selecting squadron and navigate commands for Thrawn’s commands can help get into prime position and attack with your squadron escort in one swift stroke. Victory I-class Star Destroyer

The Victory-I is the workhorse of this fleet, being able to command squadrons to attack before following up with turbolaser volleys. Once they get in range, they can unload ordnance on the Rebel fleet, crushing all in their path. Using Thrawn’s squadron commands can free up the Victory-I to navigate, which is a lifesaver considering its poor maneuver range. Expanded Hangar Bay

To get the most out of the Victory-I squadron assault, Expanded Hanger Bays can boost their command range. Being able to command 4 squadrons per Victory-I can put decimate an enemy ship before following up with turbolaser volleys. The key to getting things working together is a brutal squadron formation. Gar Saxon

Gar Saxon will lead the Imperial squadrons into the heart of the Rebel fleet. Being able to Assault enemy ships can make Thrawn’s commands even more effective as you lock down the commands of Rebel ships. Saxon can help deal with the common Rebel squadron archetypes that have Intel or Relay, and can use his Rogue ability to break off from formation to engage other threats.TIE Bomber Squadron

Finally, a TIE Bomber formation can help punch through the Rebel ships with ease. Being able to command 8 bombers and navigate into prime engagement range will be the key to sealing a victory with Grand Admiral Thrawn. The Victory Star Destroyer continues to be the most cost-effective option for the Imperial fleet, and Thrawn has added them to his grand strategy.

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About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.