Underworlds Leader Expansion Changes The Game Again

By Travis Perkins | October 17th, 2018 | Categories: Shadespire, Tactics, Warhammer Underworlds

Sigmar Shadespire Wal Hor

Change rules everything around Warhammer Underworlds as we break down the Leaders expansion and new board that were released just before Nightvault!

This article is going to lead into coverage of the new Warhammer Underworlds releases, but today we’re going over the Leaders Expansion and the board GW released over the summer.

Next up will be all the new Nightvault content as we begin exploring those cards and models.

Underworlds Leader Expansion Changes The Game Again

Today we’re starting with the expansion board, Shattered City Board Pack.

shade spire expansion


This is a nifty board that introduces the dangerous hex tiles to the game (before the Nightvault Expansion) and has some amazing art work on it. For 22 dollars though that seems a bit steep for a single board, if you enjoy season one of Warhammer Underworlds but don’t have much interest in buying into season 2, this board is a great addition to your collection. Otherwise, you can pass on it, unless you want another board option.

The other release was the Leaders expansion which has 2 cards unique to every warband and another 44 cards that can be used by any warband. This article is going to focus on the unique cards and my take on them, in the next article we will look at the universal cards and see where they might work in these decks.


shadespire leaders

*Note if you click on the warband it will take you to the article I wrote talking about that warband in general*

Garrek’s Reavers:

  • Coveted Trophy (Ploy): Reaction. Play this when your leader takes an enemy leader out of action. Gain a glory point.
  • The Stage is Set (Objective 3 Glory): Score this in an end phase if the only surviving fighters (at least 2) are leaders.

I don’t really see these being used and they are very situational especially the Stage is Set. I would pass on both in my Reavers deck.

Ironskull’s Boys:

  • Impress da Boss (Ploy): +1 Damage for the first Attack action in the next activation made by a friendly fighter adjacent to your leader.
  • Showin’ Off (Objective 1 Glory): Score this in an end phase if your leaders took two or more enemy fighters out of action in the preceding action phase.

I like both cards in an aggressive Ironskull deck, especially Showin’ Off as you are generally going to be getting your leader into the thick of things.

blood warriors magore's fiends

Magore’s Fiends:

  • Khorne’s Chosen (Objective 8 Glory): Score this in an end phase if your leader is the only surviving fighter
  • Gory Visage (Upgrade Magore): Attack actions that target this fighter deal 1 less damage, to a minimum of 1.

I love Gory Visage for any Fiend deck, with the Chosen though that is very hard to pull off…. But 8 Glory is nothing to sneeze at.

Sepulchral Guard:

  • Fervent Petition (Objective 3 Glory): Score this in an end phase if three friendly Petitioners are surviving and Inspired.
  • Wardens Call (Upgrade Warden): Action: Choose two friendly fighters (other than your leader) and put them on Guard.

I like both for a defensive objective controlling deck, you can send your petitioners forward to score objectives in your opponent’s territory and put them on guard. Then if they all die you can bring them back and score some victory points.

Skaven Shadespire


Spiteclaw’s Swarm:

  • Krrk Now Leads! (Objective 1 Glory): Score this in an end phase if your leader is out of action and a friendly fighter named Krrk is on the battlefield
  • Krrk the Clawchief (Upgrade Krrk): Action: Return a friendly fighter (other than Skritch) to the battlefield in an empty hex adjacent to this fighter.

These two cards work together great, if you’re willing to sacrifice Skritch and let Krrk become the head rat, which could make for a fun and interesting deck.

Steelheart’s Champions:

  • Invulnerable (Ploy): You leader has +1 Defense for the first Attack action in the next activation
  • Steelheart’s Second (Upgrade): This fighter’s Attack actions have +1 Damage when they are adjacent to a friendly leader

These are both solid and can be useful in any Steelheart deck, especially if you are keeping Brightshield near Severin that upgrade is great for her.

The Chosen Axes:

  • Grimnir Commands (Ploy): The first friendly fighter (other than your leader) to make a Move action (not as part of a charge) in the next activation has +2 Move. You can only play this if your leader is on the battlefield.
  • Pride of the Lodge (Objective 1 Glory): Score this in and end phase if your leader has three or more upgrades with his warband symbol.

Grimnir Commands is a solid pick up in any Chosen deck to help get your guys on objectives and inspired. If you are focused on buffing up your leader (a solid strategy) then Pride of the Lodge is a great add to the deck.

The Farstriders:

  • Intervention (Objective 1 Glory): Score this immediately if your leader takes an enemy holding an objective out of action.
  • Raptor Strike (Ploy): Choose an enemy fighter within four hexes of your leader. They take 1 damage.

Raptor Strike is a great card for any Farstriders deck and should be in them all. While Intervention is situational with his range, you could score this easily.

Overall, I am happy with the unique cards available to all the warbands and think they are a great addition to the game. I am going to reserve my final judgment on the expansion though until I cover all the universal cards.


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