Forge World Epically Backpedals On Adeptus Titanicus Release

By Rob Baer | November 13th, 2018 | Categories: Adeptus Titanicus, Forge World, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Adeptus Titanicus warlord painted

GW is listening y’all. Forge World made an unexpected announcement about new Adeptus Titanicus releases, backpedaling on upgrades amid community pressure.

Forge World dropped the word that the new Warlord Titan ( with Plasma Annihilator and Power Claw) will be coming out as an upgrade sprue in the new year. They also gave us a bit of a look into the future on a Reaver model that hasn’t even been announced yet.

Before we jump in, check out the original post on the new wargear upgrades coming to Titanicus.

chaos warlord titan upgrades

A brand new Warlord Titan is on the way with a different loadout from the first. This one is geared slightly more towards getting in the enemy’s face and doing some damage with the power claw.

You’ll be able to add a differently armed Warlord Titan to your maniples, with the release of a new version of the plastic kit, complete with a pair of Sunfury plasma annihilators – high-powered plasma weapons capable of burning through even Titan armour – and an optional Arioch Titan power claw, for those Princeps who want to get up close and personal. The kit also comes with a pair of carapace-mounted laser blasters and two choices of head.

titanicus lancers

Keeping with the close combat theme, Lancers are coming to Titanicus as well. These are going to be under your Household support banners. The Lancers main goal is to get into close combat and should actually be able to survive a bit longer than their Questoris-class counterparts. But that’s not all the great news. New game boards are on the way as well!

Civitas District Warzone Board

titanicus board 1

 Warzone Alpha

titanicus board 2

Warzone Beta


New game boards are coming along with the Titanicus expansion. Civitas District Warzone alpha and beta show the ruined landscape of what looks to be the remains of an Imperial Factorum. Cover is sparse and the dangers are high.

Keep an eye out for all of these previews to become available later on this month!

New Adeptus Titanicus Sprues Announced from Forge World

warlord upgrade sprue

From the looks of it initially, the Warlord Titan with Plasma Annihilator and Power Claw was going to be a separate model all on it’s own. From the looks of it, it still is, as they stated

All of these new additions to Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy will be available later this month.

However, Forge World announced that because of the feedback given to them on their Facebook Page, they were going to be releasing an upgrade sprue for the Warlord early next year.

The response on our Forge World Facebook page has been immense, with thousands of you expressing your excitement, and many of you asking whether you’ll be able to get the new weapon options separately.

Well, we’ve heard your voices and, having incanted the litanies of swift delivery, we can confirm the weapon frame from the new Warlord Battle Titan with Plasma Annihilator and Power Claw will be made available separately early in the new year.

The sprue looks like it’ll have both of the new weapons as well as some different helmet options.

Unannounced Reaver Model is Getting the Same Treatment

reaver titanicus

To add even more good news to the pot, a Reaver that we haven’t even seen yet is getting the same treatment. You’ll be able to buy the model “as is”.  But an upgrade sprue will be coming out for the Reavers you may already own as well.

reaver sprue

The Reaver sprue is coming packed with a Twin Melta Cannon and Chain Fist. It looks like there are a few additional armor plates to go with everything also.

What do you think about Forge World’s big announcement? Will you be waiting for an upgrade sprue? How many of these Reavers will you be running? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.