Star Wars Armada Super Star Destroyer 4 Ship Spoilers!

By Wesley Floyd | November 30th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Star Wars Armada has something BIG on the way and we aren’t just talking about the Executor! 4 new ship cards have been spotted and more!

Star Wars Armada has slowly been getting more support over the past year. The Executor was first revealed at GenCon and more has trickled down since. Check out more ships and upgrade cards for the game that have just been spotted.

Coming from a member on Fantasy Flight Games with images from Reddit:

armada big

Star Wars Armada Card Previews & More

4 New ships are on the way starting at a whopping 200 points

armada preview 1

What looks to be the overall stats of four ships in a pamphlet was spotted. The Executor’s variants are both at the bottom. These behemoths are absolute monsters.

armada ravager

  • Some of your tokens can reroll 1 attack die or add 1 die to your attack pool. If you add the die, it must be a color of a die in your attack pool already.

armada anihillator

  • While attacking a squadron, you may reroll 1 attack die.

armada eclipse

  • When an enemy ship overlaps you, the enemy ship suffers a faceup damage instead of a facedown damage card.

armada executor

  • You can be assigned any number of command tokens of any types instead of a number or command tokens equal to your command value.

Character Cards in Armada

armada vader

Funny mechanic. Darth Vader can Force choke someone out to make the ship reroll any number of dice in its attack pool.

armada gherant

If you’re trying to play it safe for a turn and absorb some shooting before you strike back, you can use Gherant to prevent any critical effects against your ship. You still have to discard him after.

armada ozzel

You can essentially get a free move on a ship that Ozzel is embarked on.

armada krennic

Krennic lets you reroll some red dice in your attack pool. He’s solid at medium-long range so keep him back.

armada piett

Admiral Piett acts as an extra command token for the ship he’s embarked on.

armada palpatine

Throw the Palpatine on a ship to make it costly for the opponent to even shoot at you. The Palpatine will also set you up for a perfect strike in your next turn of shooting.

armada wessex

Lira acts as a shield to certain kinds of damage. Specifically the face-up damage cards.

There were also some rumors spotted over on FFG’s forums that may shed some light on the new ship as well:

New rules (shared by @Green Knight) WARNING: Some of these might just be guesswork. 

  • It’s HUGE, which is distinct from large/medium/small
  • It has 6 hull zones; the new ones are the rearmost arcs, called “auxiliary” arcs. So they are NOT side arcs, so say EA won’t have any effect on them.
  • It can pass once per round.
  • Huge ships must be in the setup area – but can extend outside the deployment zone, as long as they touch the back end (like Large X-wing ships).
    • It can’t deploy overlapping obstacles.
    • Squads can’t go beyond distance 1-2 of a deployment zone, even if the SSD sticks further out.
  • When revealing a dial, it gets a matching token.
  • It can shoot 3 times.
  • You move from the REAR base.
  • Half points (upgrades included): if it takes at lest half its hull value in damage (unlike X-wing shields are irrelevant).

With these new cards making their rounds on the internet, what else do you think could be on the way next for Star Wars Armada? What ships are you going to put your characters in besides the SSD? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.