New AoS Battalion Rules Spotted in Battleforces

Idoneth Deepkin

New Warscroll Battalions are coming inside the AoS Battleforce Box Sets. Check out the latest rules previewed for two factions.

Seraphon and Idoneth Deepkin Warscrolls were spotted floating around on Imgur. There are Warscroll sheets that have the same names as the Battleforces.

We don’t know if they will have a points cost for matched play just yet. There is a chance they will get updated into the Azyr list builder app over the weekend, but no guarantee.

With that being said, let’s dive in.

Starclaw Strikehost Warscroll Battalion

seraphon box


starclaw strikehost

The units needed to fill out the Warscroll are exactly what comes inside the Battleforce. But what does the Starclaw Strikehost do? Any unit unlucky enough to find themselves within 24″ of the Skink Starpriest will open the door for Seraphon units in the Battalion to reroll hit and wound rolls of 1 until their next hero phase.

That’s a decent rule in all actuality. Your army will work as a mouth. Picking one unit at a time to engulf and wipe away before moving onto the next enemy unit.

Deepsurge Raiding Party Warscroll Battalion

idoneth deepkin battleforce


deepsurge raiding party

Like the Battleforce above, this box comes with everything you need to fill out this Warscroll Battalion. (It’s funny to think you’re buying an entire box of units that’ll be one drop on the table). So what does this Battalion give you?

The Isharann Tidecaster in the set will let you ignore the first wound allocated to any model from the Batallion. Normally, he can use this rule only on himself. However, Protection of the Ethersea extends his ability to the entire group he’s fighting with. Let’s break down the power of this ability.

The enemy just wounded you with three attacks that do two damage a piece. You roll and manage to save two of them. Now, normally you would take the damage here. However, it looks like you can use the Tidecaster’s ability and ignore the damage from the first wound to make it through your armor.

This ability may get more useful when you get struck with multi-damage attacks like Morathi’s six damage tail. 

Any time you can take a Warscroll Battalion in AoS, you really should. Hopefully, these will have a points cost so we can bring them along in a Matched play game. We will know for sure if the Azyr app gets updated over the weekend.

What do you think about these two rulesets? Which do you think is more powerful? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.