The Super Star Destroyer Executor is entering the battle space of Star Wars Armada soon. The Rebellion won’t stand a chance against such a massive ship.
The Super Star Destroyer platform is entering the battle of Armada soon, and it will take the entire Rebel fleet to take it on. The SSD has many variants, and the Executor-II Class Star Dreadnought is as big as they come. Forcing you into a whole new points limit, this ship starts off at 411 points, so from what we know right now, you will have to field it in a custom game with your friends.
With 33 hull and 29 shields, it will take an entire fleet to focus on the SSD to even attempt to bring it down. And that fleet will have to weather the storm of its massive 10 die front arc with 5 red and 5 blue dice. Terrifying!
The Super Star Destroyer platform has the ability to gain a command token matching the dial that you reveal, so there will be no shortage of command tokens to be gained with the Executor. This namesake title allows your SSD to be assigned any number of command tokens of any type, instead of just being limited to its command value. These tokens will have their uses natively, but with some officer support, these command tokens can give you a definite strategic advantage.
As an 8 point officer, Director Krennic can add some firepower to the already impressive batteries of the SSD. As a concentrate fire command, and while you are attacking at medium to long range, if you spent a concentrate fire dial, you may re-roll any number of red dice in your attack pool. If you spent a concentrate fire command token, you may also re-roll up to 2 red dice in your attack pool. This dice manipulation can just about fix any red dice fickle-ness that may pop up in your attacks, but the power of this ability should not be underestimated. Being able to re-roll all of your red dice with a concentrate fire command, all the while adding even more dice, can be devastating.
Since you will be banking many command tokens, get those engineering tokens stacking! Lira Wessex will allow you to spend 1 engineering token, wherever you are dealt a face-up damage card, to flip that card facedown. Since the SSD will be a huge fire magnet, being able to turn those crippling crits into facedown damage cards can keep the Executor-II in the fight for the duration.