Mon Calamari Crusher: Star Wars Armada Ship Build

By Barclay Montgomery | January 30th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

Mon Calamari Cruiser & Crusher

The Empire has underestimated the value of the Mon Calamari Cruisers and this Crusher will bring ruin to the Imperial ships that engage with it! Charge your Ion cannons!
MC75 Armored Cruiser

The Empire won’t be ready for firepower of this magnitude! The MC75 Armored Cruiser is a large ship for the Rebel fleet, and it has many weapon load-outs that can equip it with the best chances of taking out Imperial cruisers. Its impressive array of both close and long range attack power can make it a deadly ship at any range. Its side arcs can allow it to punch enemy ships at long range until it can get close and blast those Imperials with its blue and black dice front its front arc. Heavy Ion Emplacements

Heavy Ion Emplacements will be a great Ion upgrade for the MC75 to weaken enemy shields. As a blue critical, HIEs allows you to exhaust its card to force the defending hull zone, and each adjacent hull zone, to lose 1 shield. This specifically states that it loses shields and does not suffer damage, so if you try and use this on an unshielded ship, it’s not as effective, but that ship should be toast anyway. What this does is opens up holes in the enemy shields to allow for more devastating attacks. Quad Battery Turrets

The MC75 is quite maneuverable at slower speeds, so Quad Battery Turrets can be helpful in its armament. This turbolaser upgrade allows you to add 1 blue die to your attack pool if your target is at a faster speed than you. This blue die can also trigger the HIE critical effect, even at long range, so choose your targets wisely! Caitken and Shollan

A great weapons team option for the MC75 is Caitken and Shollan. These Mon Calamari twins allow you to re-roll any number of dice of 1 color. Since you will want to get the most out of Heavy Ion Emplacements, re-rolling your blue dice to get those blue crits can be crucial. If you are at longer ranges, choosing to re-roll your red dice can help them hit their target more accurately.

External Racks

Once the MC75 has made it into close range of its preferred target, unload the External Racks. This ordnance upgrade allows you to add 2 black dice to your attack pool when attacking at close range. This can best be used when firing from your forward arc, as 3 blue and 4 black dice can be quite the barrage. Use Caitken and Shollan to either re-roll your black dice or your blues depending on how you roll, and you will take down Imperial Star Destroyers with ease!

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