Top 9 Female Commissars Models That Are Not GW

Severina Raine female commissar artel W


Can’t wait for February to buy the new Severina Raine model? Don’t miss the top 9 Female Commissar miniatures on the market today, and pick up one today!

The tabletop community has been blowing up ever since Games Workshop announced their new female Commissar model. But did you know there’s actually a bunch of them out there, inspired perhaps in part by the classic GW model from long ago?

Severina Raine- Female Commissar

Before we jump into the other models, here’s the model that sparked all the discussion. Severina Raine is coming as some sort of bundle from Black Library around the end of February 2019.

On the 23rd and 24th of February, Warhammer and Games Workshop stores across the world will be hosting their annual Black Library Celebration. It’ll be a weekend of adrenaline-fuelled fiction, with stores running events that retell stories from the novels. And, of course, there are going to be loads of new books, CDs and other goodies to pick up…

female commissar severina raine

This fantastic model is your chance to add this devout Imperial hero to your collection. Her Black Library-themed box includes rules for using the resin miniature in your Astra Militarum army – and February’s White Dwarf will include the rules for using her as your Commander in games of Kill Team as well!

The Raine miniature is based on the cover art for a new novel also coming for the Celebration, Rachel Harrison’s debut novel Honourbound.

female commisar 90s

GW’s Female Commissar from the ’90s

One of these goodies, obviously being Severina Raine, a female Commissar model! The model concept itself is not new, but it is getting a welcome design and production update. Severina Raine herself is coming stock with her own 40k rules as she’s completely usable in your Astra Militarum force.

If you can’t wait for the exclusive miniature to arrive next month, well you may be in luck! There are plenty of affordable female commissars on the markey currently, most of which were probably inspired by the GW classic mini picture above!

Wargame Exclusive Line

Female Commissar with Laser Pistol €9.99

wge female 1

If you wanted a simple Commissar model for your army, this model looks to be geared with something like a bolt pistol and power sword.

Imperial Soldier Brave Commissar 14.99

brave commissar

This is the perfect spin-off of a female Commissar Yarrick. She’s already got the Power Klaw and laser eye!

Imperial Soldier Female Commissar With Fists of Power 12.99

wge female commissar

This Commissar has a Death Korps of Krieg feel, thanks to the gas mask. However, you can always use her as a tricked out Commissar for any Regiment.

Alternative Minis Line

Imperial Soldier Female Commissar With Gun $9.99

female commissar w gun

This is another great option for a Commissar with a bolt pistol and power sword. She’s also got the more open Corset-look, over GW’s breastplate on Severina (In case you like the more classic GW look).

Artel W Line

Commissar Raivel- Heart of Darkness Edition $14.99

commissar raivel

If you like the more “practical” look, Commissar Raivel is dressed in padded armor while still maintaining control of her ranks.

Commissar Raivel $15.99

commissar raivel 2

The same character as above, however, she’s posed carrying one of her wounded men to safety! This is actually one of the most unique sculpts we’ve seen!

Heresy Lab Line

Female Commissar – Konstanze Imperial Guard $12.95

hl commissar

Female Commissar – Iron Lady Imperial Guard $12.95

hl commissar 2

Both of the minis from the Heresy Lab are similar. Of course, one being a been stockier with a thicker sword. The other, flaunting lightweight boots and an Officer’s Rapier.

Brother Vinni Line

Ursula, Female Commissar $5.87

ursula sword

This model looks just like any other Guardsmen, wearing her standard issue garments. She’s nothing too special compared to the men she’ll be leading. However, that’s not always a bad thing! This is the kind of character that likes to get stuck in with her troops and fight alongside them!

UPDATE: Readers on Facebook commented on the lack of Raging Heroes, which of course we love as well.


Be sure to check out their line of Kurgonova models that make great commissars as well!

Essentially, what we’re saying is that there are plenty of Female Commissar models out there and have been for a while now. From a fancy corset to a practical leather coat, there’s a model out there for just about everyone’s preference.

What’s the best-looking Commissar model in your opinion? Do you use any of the ones we listed? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.