Top 5 Unbeatable Warhammer 40k Armies of LVO 2019

hor of space marine and chaos

Don’t miss the top 5 unbeatable Warhammer 40k Army lists that rose to the top of the rankings at the 2019 Las Vegas Open.

If you were wondering what some of the most “meta-intensive” army lists look like, you’re about to find out.

The 2019 Las Vegas Open hosted players from all over the world competing to win the event.  With that said, technically 12 went undefeated day one. After that, they got whittled down by four in a runoff round, which seeded a full undefeated top 8 going into the top championships for day two.

To come out in the top group of players at LVO means that you have to bring a list that’s capable of crushing things like Castellans, Mortarions, Robbie G Gunlines, etc. There’s no mercy at events like the LVO. With that said, let’s check out a handful of the top ranking overall lists!

las vegas open

The Las Vegas Open is a premiere Tabletop Gaming Convention set in fabulous Las Vegas. It takes place at Bally’s Casino from February 8th through the 10th, 2019. This event is brought to you by the Frontline Gaming team.

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at all of the lists! These lists are all unique and require a bit of finesse!

5th Place: Sean Nayden-Ynnari/Asuryani

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Sean brought in the heavy-hitting trio in a Battalion to start things off. The Yncarne was able to pop up out of nowhere as soon as something on the table died. Meanwhile, Eldrad was able to support his friends with a host of psychic abilities. Lastly, you’ve got Maugen Ra sniping away key targets as usual.

The main “boots on the ground” force came from a blob of twenty Guardians accompanied by a sprinkling of Rangers and Wyches.

ynnari wal hor eldar Ynnari & Slaanesh 40k Release Rumors

Looking at the last bit of units, Yvraine walked onto the table with a Solitaire and two Death Jesters. The Solitaire, in general, is able to unleash an unholy amount of attacks on a unit and shred away screen (if need be). As for the Death Jesters, they prey on the enemy’s leadership and poor armor saves.

All in all, the list required a lot of finesse. Most of the legwork is really done by the character support. One really unique thing about this army is that it didn’t have one specific unit that could withstand a ton of punishment (Like Castellan/Mortarion lists).

4th Place: Justin Lois- Cult Mechanicus/Guard

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Brushing through this list, two Battalions of Ad Mech and Guard were brought along to shunt CP to a Castellan. However, the Battalions weren’t only just to quench the CP thirst of the Knight. The Admech brought an entire squad of Dragoons with lances to bully units around in close combat. As for the Guard detachment, a cheap Bullgryn beatdown squad was brought to club any survivors that made it past the Castellan’s wrath.

Of course, to get into melee combat, you have to clear screens. And that’s exactly what 9D6 mortar shots were for!

3rd Place: Michael Snider- Guard/ Custodes

4th place lvo

Looking at this list, a Valhallan Guard regiment using the Emperor’s Wrath Artillery Company formation out of Viglus supported a few Custodes characters and bubble wrapped a House Raven Castellan.

custodian wal

The Emperor’s Wrath really only helped out the single Wyvern that was brought in with a couple of mortars too. The Guardsmen bodies needed to fill the Battalion linked arms around the Castellan. While artillery from the Guard detachment pelted the enemy lines, the Custodes bikes (and Trajann) tied up and chased down whatever needed to be. As for the Castellan, you know how it works!

2nd Place: Alex Harrison- Eldar Flyers

lvo ynnari

This list was all about speed and the Fly keyword. A Battalion of Eldar got brought along with 18 total Windriders. Windriders are the perfect unit to punish an enemy that stuck his neck out too far!

The real backbone of the army are the two airwing detachments. These were loaded with Razorwings and Crimson Hunters. That’s six total flyer bases from one faction alone on the table. What makes the Crimson Hunter Exarchs so potent is that they can pivot, move, and pivot again. Essentially denying an entire section of the board as long as two are going back and forth.

Crimson Hunter Dark Eldar

As for the Razorwings, they are just fast, cheap screen shredders that can really evaporate ranks of unprotected units like Guard.

Featured yesterday, we have Champion Brandon Grant’s army as well:

#1 Brandon Grant- Imperial Guard

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All of these lists used something that’s always been in the meta for their faction. However, each player also put their own little interesting twist on things as well. Don’t be afraid to experiment with the less-popular options in your list building! You could be making an army that the tabletop isn’t ready for! Great job to the players that commanded their forces to the top of the rankings!

What do you think about the armies that made it to the top? Do you play something similar? What is your tried and true faction you always play?

LVO 2019

2019 Las Vegas Open