BREAKING: 40k Officio Assassinorum Rules Revealed

assassin kill shot vindicare

WOW, the new 40k Assassin rules were just spotted and whew boy do they look fun. Who wants to play some games with these models again?

It looks like the Officio Assassinorum are getting some HUGE updates this March!

Assassin hype looks to be making rounds around the internet once again. In case you missed it here first, we got it for you again!  As we saw with January’s revamped White Dwarf, GW seems to be doing two things, getting back to their 2000’s format roots and adding in exclusive new rules for 40kas well as AoS to entice readers to buy each issue.

Fast forward to now, and it looks like Assassins will be getting a revamp in March’s issue!

Updates for 40k are coming fast and furious for the game that was supposed to only be updated after a codex release, twice a year via the BIG FAQ, points via the Chapter approved, and now every month in Whtie Dwarf as well…40k FAQ Future

You can find out more about GW’s big plans to release rules each month in the White Dwarf in our earlier coveragebecause its time for the good stuff!

Spotted all over the social media, someone got their March White Dwarf early again!

Each of the four assassins are back and have a few new bonuses in their data slates as well. Perhaps best of all is that they only cost 85 points to field now!

You can compare the new rules below to their current entries in Index Imperium 2 pages 112-115

eversor 40k Officio Assassinorum Rules pdf download

Sentinel array has been changed, and now the Eversor has Killing ramage. C-c-c-combo breaker!

culuxus 40k Officio Assassinorum Rules pdf download

Datasheet wise the Callidus appears the same.

callidus 40k Officio Assassinorum Rules pdf download

Life drain now does not negate all saves as before… But still a true abomination on the tabletop.

eversor 40k Officio Assassinorum Rules (5)

The new head shot rule seems fun. Looks like you have the potential to one shot 5 wound characters with this hidden assailant now.

But how do you field these agents of the Imperium now? Pretty easily actually.

The first and most fun way is just for 1CP if you have 85 points available in reinforcement points and at least one Command Point you get an assassin. Question is will you just go with a set assassin or “sideboard in” one that will perform the best against your opponent?

OR conversely you can even field them as a detachment as well, the Execution Force is BACK!  Watch out for your local 40k try-hards though,  as Cypher has both Chaos and Imperium keywords which could lead to some interesting army builds…

Plus there looks to be over TEN stratagems you can play as well on “team death” that really up their power levels for sure.

Assassin Stratagems

Now if you are thinking that Assassins are not Space Marines, why the heck would they be getting new rules in the WD? Well, remember what the White Dwarf team said above?

Regarding 40k, these rules will not be locked to only loyalist chapters but will include Chaos and Xeno factions; basically, anyone with a sub-faction rule will be looked at in time. (Remember there will only be six new sub-faction per game system each year and Loads of armies to cover.)

So it looks like this will be the second “sub faction” to get the White Dwarf treatment for 40k, and the third or fourth time the Assasins have gotten updates in the White Dwarf. They have been released this way for both second and third edition 40k, and as recent as 7th edition as well.

assassin rules 7th eidtion

7th Edition Assassins Codex

If you missed the new 40k rules from January and February, we got you covered here:

New Crimson Fist Rules

Kroot Kill Team Rules

New Stormcast Rules

So it looks like the MARCH 2019 White Dwarf is following along an interesting path content-wise, as the magazine appears to be alternating every month between AoS rules and 40k rules.

What do you think about the new White Dwarf? What faction would you like to see covered next? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.