Exclusive New Rules for AoS: Carrion Empire Character Teasers

By Wesley Floyd | February 4th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Skaven, Warhammer 40k Rumors

flesh eater courts

New rules are here for Age of Sigmar as Carrion Empire is pairing up two factions in the new starter. Here’s the latest for Skaven and Flesh-Eater Courts!

Games Workshop previewed a handful of rules for the new characters coming in Carrion Empire. However, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen any previews for the box.

Carrion Empire Box Set

carrion empire box

These were the first set of previews that were spotted back from the New Years Open.

GW dropped a video for us showcasing the Carrion Empire. The voice in the video sounds like it’s coming from the new Flesh-Eater Courts model.

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carrion empire 4

Showcasing the two new characters, the Skaven are getting some kind of new Warlock called the Warlock Bombardier that’s armed to the teeth-teeth! As for the Flesh-Eater Courts, they’re getting an Abhorrant Archregent

The former is a mighty mordant emperor, even more vicious – and regal – than an Abhorrant Ghoul King, while the latter is a demolitions expert armed with the Doomrocket – a weapon so powerful and dangerous it makes the Doomwheel look sensible.

carrion empire 2


carrion empire 3

The only new units spotted from the box were the characters. As for the rest of the fighting force, however, they’re getting the classic units and solid options for AoS competitive play. (The mortal wounds Stormfiends can put out are no joke).

age of sigmar artwork flesheaters courts ghouls stormcast 1


It’s an odd pair of factions fighting each other, but interesting nonetheless. One, being a wacky Science-driven cult and the other, flesh-hungry mutants from the shadows.

New Characters Inside Carrion Empire

warlock bombardier

Mad Scientist to some, Genius to his Skaven counterparts. The Warlock Bombardier are Skaven who have decided the best way to handle enemies in life are by blowing them up!


Looking at his patented Doomrocket, it has a 50/50 chance of it actually hitting the target and with only -1AP, you may have trouble against heavily-armored enemies. But the D6 damage can really take a chunk out of a behemoth!

doomrocket 2

Being that he’s from the Skaven clan, it wouldn’t be fitting if he couldn’t overload his rocket! If you want to sprinkle some Warp Dust on the rocket, you can do 2D6 damage instead of the normal D6. However, if you roll a 1, you can basically kiss this guy goodbye.

warp lightning

He’s still a Warlock at the end of the day! He can do D3 mortal wounds to an enemy unit within 12″ on a casting roll of a 5 or more. But the Doomrocket isn’t the only thing he can supercharge. If you want him to use the Warp-power accumulator, you can do D6 mortal wounds instead of D3…However, if you fail the cast, lightning strike the Warlock and takes D6 mortal wounds himself.

abhorrant arch regent

The Abhorrant Archregent is the supreme leader of any given Flesh-eater Court. Ghoul Kings, are, as the name suggests, monarchs – this guy is akin to an emperor and lord over a vast domain. Centuries old, Abhorrant Archregents are horrifically strong and cunning, and their utter dedication to their delusions is resilient enough to bind together the fractious kingdoms of their kin.

ferocious hunger

These Abhorrent Archregents can turn a group of regular Crypt Ghouls into a flurry of unholy claws and teeth. With a casting cost of 6, you can add D3 to the attacks characteristics of every model in a unit until your next hero phase. Good luck surviving that!

The Archregentalso comes stock with the ability to summon either Crypt Flayers/Crypt Horrors or Crypt Ghouls for free as per usual with Fleah-Eater Courts characters.

This dude will probably be able to hold his own in combat. After all, he is a character and a Flesh-Eater Courts one at that. But his real role is supporting his lessers from safety. Each turn, you’ll be able to give an entire unit D3 extra attacks! And if you need a group of Ghouls to pop up somewhere, just summon them!

What are your thoughts on the new characters? Are you going to split the box with a friend? Which faction do you want to play? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.