Pricing & Lineup for 15 New 40k & AoS Releases CONFIRMED

gw money cash

Don’t miss the 15 new releases for wave two of the Genestealer Cult, Skaven and Flesh Eater Courts are coming next week for the Warhammer hobby.

Games Workshop has been busy getting the next batch of new releases ready for us! Take a first look at the prices of everything that’ll be hitting the shelves Valentines day weekend!

Multiple retailers have confirmed the lineup and pricing of GW’s next big releases. Sit back and check out what you may want to spend your hobby $$$ on next week!

GSC Aberrants $40


Made by an unknown mutation in the Genestealer-human DNA strands, the Aberrants are lumbering fools that want to offer nothing but brute force and servitude to the Patriarch.

GSC Abominant $25

abominant 1

The “anointed one” is actually an extra-mutated Aberrant called the Abominant. He’s essentially the Aberrant’s battlefield leader and even comes with a Psychic-disruptive Familiar.

Achilles Ridgerunner $45

This thing is the lightning fast alternative to the Rock Trucks. It can zip around the board before the game starts and even buff Bikers to advance an auto 6″. If you’re bringing Bikers or just needing a quick objective grabber, the Ridgerunner might be perfect for your list!

The Biophagus $25

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The Biophagus is more of a mad Scientist than a frontline fighter. He can genetically enhance the Aberrants by giving them an extra strength boost, attack, or added toughness. His familiar is there to make sure you get exactly what you roll for.

Skaven Clanrats Repackaged $35

Carrion Empire Box Set $160

carrion empire box

Pitting Clan Skryre against the Flesh-Eater Courts, this Box Set has two new characters as well as staples for each faction. It’s a fantastic place to start your armies!

Battletome: Skaven $40

battletome skaven

That’s right – the skaven are back! Forging together the forces of Clans Skryre, Pestilens, Moulder, Verminus, Eshin and the Masterclan into a single Skaventide, this is the battletome the Great Horned Rat has been waiting for since Warhammer Age of Sigmar was released. Each of the Clans has its own allegiance abilities representing their tactics and character, but you’ll also be able to field them as a single, coherent and deadly force.

Battletome: Flesh-Eater Courts $40

battletome flesh-eater courts

Both of the factions from Carrion Empire are getting support from GW. The Flesh-Eater Courts are getting a book right alongside the Skaven as well!

Skaven Warscroll Cards $25

skaven warscroll

The Warscroll Cards are all the stats of your units so you don’t have to thumb through the pages of the book. Flesh-Eater Courts are getting the same thing as well!

Flesh-Eater Courts Warscroll Cards $15

flesh-eater courts warscrolls

The Flesh-Eater Courts Warscrolls are probably not as expensive just because there aren’t four clans rolled into one for these guys like the Skaven!

Skaven & Flesh-Eater Courts Endless Spells $35 ea.

skaven endless spell

flesh-eater courts endless spells

Both factions wouldn’t have a complete release if they didn’t get their own exclusive Endless Spells! We don’t know the rules on these just yet, but they’re definitely thematic.

Skaven Gnawholes $55

skaven gnawhole

Keeping up with the theme of GW’s scenery fascination, Skaven are getting some Gnawholes.  They’re supposedly some kind of network underground to bring forces to different areas of the Realms.

Flesh-Eater Courts Charnel Throne $35

flesh-eater court charnel throne

Just like the Skaven, the Flesh-Eater Court have their own terrain piece. It’s a throne of bone for your leader to survey the battlefield and his loyal subjects!

Skaven Dice Pack $30

skaven dice

Represent your army to the max with the Skaven Dice pack. The numbers are cleverly-designed warpstones with the iconic Skaven symbol for the “6”.

We’ve got a busy week ahead for 40k and Age of Sigmar. With three total factions getting more support very soon, which one will you be choosing? Are you going to run blobs of Aberrants on the table? Will you be blowing the dust off your Skaven army? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby group.