Warhammer Adventures Latest Saturday Morning Cartoon

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Saturday morning Cartoons have retuned Warhammer Adventures style! Check out the latest GW animated short featuring the kid from Age of Sigmar.

Warhammer Community just announced a 6 part series of animated shorts that will air, you guessed it… Saturday mornings.  Grab a bowl of Captain Crunch and get ready to dive in!

Spotted on Warhammer Adventures Website, a new animated short showcasing the Age of Sigmar side of things was previewed. We’ve already seen the 40k version first, so let’s break down exactly what went on in this Fantasy video!

Warhammer Adventures: Find the Magic

In the video, one of the kids we saw from the cover of the Age of Sigmar ‘s expansion is walking down a private study at night (hence the candle). You can actually see in the background that there are a few Stormcast Eternals helmets on display.

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He stumbles across this book that’s been unlatched and opens it up. After coming across some strange art in a page, a magical orb appears in the room and starts to toss things around.

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The kid immediately jumps on the book and closes it to turn everything “off”. After he does this, he looks at his hand and realizes that some of the power must have transferred to him! He must be a Wizard!

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While not all Wizards are born this way in the AoS universe, it would definitely be exciting to just snag some powers from an old dusty book.

At the end of the day, these animated shorts are definitely looking promising to the series. Looking at the two episodes we’ve seen so far, we think it would be hard not to get immersed in the fantasy world of these two cartoons. (especially as more episodes get released).

Could this be the start of new adventures with some of Sigmar’s finest soldiers? Will the boy become a Stormcast eventually? Is that magic he’s wielding some kind of portal? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.