GW Dumps Kill Team Commanders on Last Chance to Buy Section

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Are they good times over for Kill Team Commanders? Games Workshop threw some surprising listings up on their Last Chance to Buy section recently…

Games Workshop has a new Last Chance to Buy section full of Kill Team commanders and other small releases. Make sure you grab them before they’re gone!

Kill Team Commanders used models that weren’t exactly new to the game. Even though they just used recycled HQ models from factions, they also came with exclusive rules sheets. The Commanders in the Box Sets came with certain perks that essentially made them like a named character in 40k.

Kill Team Commanders on Last Chance to Buy $35 ea.

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When Commanders first came out, they changed the way Kill Team was played. The points cap in games got larger and the overall power scale in games got turned up a few notches. For example, You can take a Patriarch in a Kill Team game now. (That’s six AP -3/-6 claws shredding your team in a single turn of combat).

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Commanders have come to the game with mixed emotions from the community. Some players love having that one powerful unit leading the force…others feel like it’s just turning into a small-point game of 40k. Especially with the announcement of Elite slots coming to the game in Kill Team Elites. 

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While the first set of named Commanders might be getting canned for a while, the Kill Team Box Sets definitely aren’t going anywhere. We’ve just seen an early preview of a whole new batch of named Kill Teams like Toofrippa’s Krew and The Fractal Blades. These are going to be preconstructed Kill Teams centered around the Elite role too!

What would cause Games Workshop to pull their Commanders off of the shelf? Could they be working on a whole new batch of characters to choose from, or did they just not sell well enough for a restock?

Will we see more named Commanders pop up with the Elites in Kill Team? Has Kill Team slowly become more like a smaller game of 40k to you? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.