GW & Steve Jackson Games Partner for AoS Munchkin

By Wesley Floyd | March 14th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Munchkin, Warhammer 40k Rumors

munchkin sigmar

Good news if you love Muchkin and Age of Sigmar! Munchkin AoS is on the way from Steve Jackson Games, and you can even mix it with the 40k version as well!

If you’re a real fan of Games Workshop things, you probably already own a copy of Munchkin Warhammer 40k. This was their first game released from the two companies working together bringing the wackiness of Munchkin to the grimdark setting. It looks like everything was a big enough success for the two companies to keep partnering up!


Age of Sigmar Munchkin Announced

Coming from Steve Jackson Games

Steve Jackson Games and Games Workshop brought Munchkin and Warhammer 40,000 together to create a perfect fusion of the two games with Munchkin Warhammer 40,000 . . . but there’s a lot more to Warhammer than just one universe! The story continues with Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar. The Eight Realms of Age of Sigmar form a new battleground for Munchkin players to explore – by which we mean kill monsters and take their stuff, obviously.

First launched in 2015, Warhammer Age of Sigmar has found a home on game tables worldwide. Its rich story and variety of foes are a perfect match for your Munchkin game. Illustrated by principal Munchkin artist John Kovalic and designed by Munchkin Line Editor Andrew Hackard in close consultation with Games Workshop, Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar is completely compatible with Munchkin Warhammer 40,000 and its expansions . . . create a truly epic battle by mixing the sets!

Age of Sigmar Munchkin $29.95

munchkin aos

 Developed by Andrew Hackard • Illustrated by John Kovalic • Based on Steve Jackson’s Munchkin

This game contains 168 cards, a gameboard, rulesheet, one custom six-sided die, and 12 standies with plastic stands.
Suggested Retail Price $29.95 
Stock # SJG4484 * UPC 080742099012 
November 2019

Mighty Battles for the Mortal Realms . . .

The Eight Realms of Warhammer Age of Sigmar form a new battleground for Munchkin players to explore – by which we mean kill monsters and take their stuff, obviously. First launched in 2015, Warhammer Age of Sigmar has found a home on game tables worldwide. Its rich story and variety of foes are a perfect match for your Munchkin game. Play as a soldier of one of the Armies in the Grand Alliances, as you fight against the numberless minions of Chaos and Death!

Perhaps one of the most exciting things about this release is that you’ll be able to combine your 40k Munchkin with this game! GW has never “crossed the streams” between 40k and AoS. But it looks like this will be your game to mix and match monsters, equipment, and classes! Remember, keep your eyes peeled for the game to drop in November later this year!

What kind of playable factions do you think there will be (obviously besides Stormcast Eternals)? Do you think Nagash could be one of the monsters in-game? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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