Predicting Future Space Marine Releases Is Secretly Easy

primaris book cover hor marine 2019's Wave of New Primaris Space Marines Are Here!

Predicting future Space Marine releases is secretly easy because they already exist in another GW game currently. They have been hiding in plain sight all along…

You might have heard in the past that GW has tested some of their ideas for 40k on concepts in Age of Sigmar. Check out what we’ve noticed.

Games Workshop is constantly adding new levels of spice to their games. They usually do this through new units with brand new rules that shake up the meta. We’ll be taking a closer look at Stormcast and Primaris specifically so let’s jump in.

Pre-Stormcast AoS & Pre-Primaris 40k

the empire warhammer fantasy

Back in the day, before Stormcast Eternals existed, the real fighting force for the Human race was the Free Peoples. They rode Horseback and were your general Knights that really had no special twist about them besides some steam-powered technology here and there. The Free People were an age-old faction that proved themselves.

Looking at 40k (and even the Horus Heresy), the standard Marine was a super soldier that had been around for ages. They were the original Space Marine. All of the gear, weapons, and vehicles for the faction were geared around them.

Now, look at what happened when the Stormcast Eternals got introduced.

Stormcast Models Hit & Primaris Follow

AoS General's Handbook Art Wal Hor

Stormcast Eternals are literal better all around fighters than what the Free People could offer. They are bigger, have more wounds, and hit harder. Sound familiar to what’s happening in 40k right now? Keep in mind that the Stormcast were around a while before the first Primaris model was even spotted.

However, after a while, “a better Marine” was introduced being called the Primaris. They are essentially the super soldier super soldiers lore-wise. They don’t have the problems that some Marines have, can go further, last longer, are stronger, and can take more of a beating than a normal Marine.

Did GW test the idea of a better, stronger super soldier in AoS first?

Palladors Vanguard

After about a year the Stormcast had some time to settle into AoS, GW released the “Vanguard” line. These were Stormcast Eternals geared towards intercepting the enemy and killing them ahead of the line.

Vanguard Raptors

Units like the Vanguard Raptors, Hunters, and Palladors were either mounted and fast or had ranged weapons to pick enemies off from afar.

shadowspear primaris 3

Now, looking at 40k, we have the Vanguard Primaris. What do they do? Well, they intercept the enemy advancement by having the ability to infiltrate. Their rules and psychic powers are designed to cause as much disruption as they can before the rest of your force can arrive to help! Looking at the Vanguard Palladors below, they are fast mounted cavalry.

Palladors Vanguard

We’ve been hearing rumors of Primaris hovercraft like jet bikes in the works…What could be going on there?

Stormcast Got Wizards: What’s Next for Primaris

Fast forward another year, and the Stormcasts got casters!

You probably remember seeing this video a while back. This was the turning point from Stormcast having basically no Wizards at all in the faction to getting a whole wave of Wizards. The Sarcosanct Chamber was opened and brand new spell-slinging Stormcasts were dropped onto the shelves with faction-specific spells.

stormcast necroquake

Looking at the Primaris, will GW be bringing in a new line of units in the future? Will they all be gifted Psykers? Up to this point, there aren’t any “mainstay” non-HQ Psyker units that normal Space Marines can take.

That’s about the only thing Grey Knights have going for them right now. What would they think about that?

shadowspear primaris 4

We did get a Vanguard Psyker in the Shadowspear box but it’s nothing on the level of support the Stormcasts got when GW decided to give them spells. Will we be seeing Psychic Primaris Elites in the future releases? It would follow-suit with the Stormcast pattern.

shadowspear librarian 1

Obscuration discipline for new Vanguard Librarian

Of course, nothing has been confirmed that GW has been using Stormcast to test the popularity of potential Primaris concepts. However, it’s a pattern that we can draw connections between. What do you think about the Primaris/Stormcast similarities?

AoS 40k wal hor

Should we look to see what Stormcast get to make guesses for what’s on the way for Primaris in the future? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.