5 New Psychic Powers Warhammer 40k Should Get, But Won’t.

By Wesley Floyd | April 23rd, 2019 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k News

Ahriman The Exile

We’ve been thinking of ways that GW could shift the meta with a simple release and in a new way. Check out these five psychic powers.

We know that 40k’s meta completely flopped after the big FAQ changed the way units with Fly work as well as some other tweaks. Screens inevitably became stronger. Looking at the meta today, screens are still a major threat. It also looks like players are spamming characters more than ever. What could be an easy fix to throw a twist into competitive play?

A book full of new psychic powers that alter the basic rules of the game, similar to how Age of Sigmar does with their soon to be two spellcasting expansions could do the trick.

If you think that may be too far fetched, judging by how we can predict the next Space Marine releases, it may not be too far from the truth…

A Psychic Book for All Factions

(Except Tau and Necrons) sorry guys.

Psyker_Primaris 40k's Secret Weapon To Winning Games

We think the idea of a Psychic power supplemental book would be a good idea on GW’s part. Of course, each faction could get their own exclusive psychic powers. (probably one or two per faction), but we’ll focus in on the generic powers that anyone could take for the sake of fairness. These powers could be abilities that alter the way normal rules of the game forces a player to play.

Gaze from the Warp


For example, a Psychic power we’ll call Gaze from the Warp (WC 7) could be cast on a unit and they would be able to ignore the character rule for the rest of the phase.  For the sake of not making anything OP, GW would have to probably restrict the power to only be cast on infantry units. A Castellan with this ability would sweep every aura ability off the table in one turn of shooting. Nonetheless, Orks, GSC, and Eldar would really be forced to play around this power. They seem to be the top three factions that are decked out with characters.

Ethereal Gateway

Another power that may be cool would be a power we’d call Ethereal Gateway (WC 7). This could be cast on a unit and they would ignore enemy models in the charge phase. Of course, the model would have to end its charge not directly on top of enemy models. But ultimately, it would just give one unit the pre FAQ Fly rule for a phase. A player could cast this on a unit of TH/SS Terminators, charge a screen and the legs of a Knight all in one go. It definitely wouldn’t be impossible to fit a small melee unit around a high-value target if the player with screens isn’t paying close attention.

Warp Summons

Eldar Psyker

Another Psychic power that may bear fruit would be something like Warp Summons (WC6). This would essentially let the Psyker bring in an Infantry unit from Deepstrike within 24″ on the first turn. This power would definitely be good but not busted. The 24″ range cap would stop a lot of shenanigans happening like 20 Rock saws appearing behind your models in your own deployment. However, it would definitely be useful for slower armies like Grey Knights. If someone needs some extra reach to capture an objective or stop an enemy advance, they can cast this power and bring a unit in.

Transdimensional Drift

Finally, we think another Psychic power that would be a huge benefit to melee armies would be a psychic power called Transdimensional Drift (WC6). If this power was manifested, you could select a unit within 18″ of the Psyker and move them D6 inches. This would be EXTREMELY useful. You could turn off auras by shoving characters away, move screens to the side to make a hole big enough to get your melee dudes through, or even pull the unit you’re trying to charge closer to you.

Ultimately, with powers like these, players would have to take some serious denying power. We may see basic Space Marine Librarians make a resurgence! What do you think about these powers? Would GW ever make a supplement like this? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.