5 Ways To Cover the Table in Wyldwoods: Sylvaneth 2.0

New Sylvaneth 2.0 Battletome, Warscrolls, & More SPOTTED

Don’t miss the 5 different ways to summon the Sylvaneth Awakened Wyldwoods, and smother your opponents in tree circles of terrain!

Before we jump into the nitty gritty of the Sylvaneth, we feel like it’s safe to say that they are going to be synergistic and work to combo with one another. But even more, they are going to be all about some incredible board control.

Your opponents potentially will be fighting in a forest all game.

What is a Wyldwood?

Spotted on Imgur, we can check out all of the rules on the Sylvaneth and what they have to offer. We’ll be picking out a few pages showing all the synergies with the Wyldwoods.

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Before we jump into the synergies with the trees, we need to clarify what a Wyldwood is. The pic is a little blurry but a Wyldwood terrain feature makes up 3-6 Citadel wood models touching tip to tip

But these aren’t just pretty models to look at on the table. They can block LOS for units, a Wizard casting a spell can deal D3 mortal wounds to enemies closeby, and at the end of the charge phase, your trees can come alive and slap your opponent’s units with their tree limbs dealing out another D3 mortal wounds.

Now let’s dive into the Wyldwood details!

5 Ways To Bury the Table in Wyldwoods: Sylvaneth 2.0


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First, your army can automatically include a Sylvaneth Wyldwood for free and place it anywhere outside of 6″ from an objective and outside of your enemy’s deployment zone. Remember, this can be three to six models but they have to be touching tips in a ring. 

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Looking at the Mighty Wyldwood warscroll Battalion, if you take all of the required units, you can bring another three to six-model Wyldwood onto the battlefield for free. 

sylvaneth acorn

If you’ve got a Wizard in your list (let’s hope you do), then you can give them the Acorn of the Ages artifact. They can throw down a  magical acorn magically sprout another three to six model Wyldwood terrain piece for free. 

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Alarielle has a magic trick up her sleeve that can also spawn another Wyldwood. She literally turns the enemy into trees with Metamorphosis. The cool thing about that spell (as if turning enemy units into trees isn’t cool enough already), you get to roll dice equal to your casting cost. So if you rolled a natural 12 on 2D6, she can roll 12D6 and have a pretty good chance at getting yet another three to six model Wyldwood added to the field. 

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The Treelord Ancient also comes with a once per battle ability called Silent Communion that lets him sprout a Wyldwood up from the ground anywhere on the map as long as it’s 1″ away from any other model, terrain feature, and objective.

So now that it’s all said and done, that’s a whopping five different ways to throw down some trees onto your field. If you wanted to bring the max size of Wyldwoods into play, that would be thirty different Citadel trees on the field at once. YIKES. While it sounds scary, we have a feeling that players will be pretty hard-pressed to find open spots where they can put the trees down.

Sylvaneth & Wyldwood Synergies

Now let’s take a quick look at some of the synergies certain units have with the Wyldwoods. This is where the incentive to spamming these terrain features really kick in.


The Skullroot picking on a unit next to some Wyldwoods gets to do D6 mortal wounds instead of the normal D3.

sylvaneth spell

The Treesong spell lets friendly units reroll all hit and wound rolls of 1 for melee attacks against an enemy unit within 6″ of a Wyldwood. (If the board is littered with these things, this spell becomes pretty solid.

sylvaneth command trait

A Wizard can get the command trait called Glade Lore that gives them +1 to any casting rolls within 6″ of a Wyldwood.

sylvaneth allegiance ability

The Sylvaneth Allegiance abilities also synergize with the Wyldwood in different forms of movement. They can deepstrike in within the bubble of a Wyldwood or just sprout up from them in the movement phase from one terrain piece to another.


The Treelord can just choose to pop up at another Wyldwood terrain piece across the battlefield. Talk about being able to deal with any threat with just the right unit.

There are even more synergies but they are smaller in scale. Long story short, stock up on trees and head to valuetown in-game.

So we think it’s safe to say that it’ll take some well-placed terrain features to maximize the benefits from the Wyldwoods. However, we can see the games getting out of hand pretty quick. By turn two or three, we may be navigating through a forest of mortal-wounding tree branch slaps and fully-invigorated tree-people lashing out at us. This faction is definitely going to make things interesting for the tabletop.

Let us know what you think about the Wyldwoods in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.