GW Confirms Full AoS 2.0 Sylvaneth Release IMMINENT


It’s happening! Looks like the Sylvaneth rumors may have been right! GW just confirmed that even more Tree People are on the way for Age of Sigmar shortly!

You heard the rumors here first about Sylvaneth being next in line for a full Age of Sigmar 2.0 treatment. Following the trends with Battletomes, we know that those factions also come with Endless Spells and maybe a new unit or two. Check out the rumors revolving around Sylvaneth to get all caught up and then take a peek at this new model!

Sylvaneth Rumors: Could They Be Next?

sylvaneth 1

Multiple industry insiders have mentioned that big A and the Sylvaneth are coming very soon.  Here’s what they said may be on the way:

  • New Battletome update over to AoS 2.0
  • There own dedicate Terrain piece (not the rebranded tree stands from Warhammer Fantasy)
  • Warscroll Cards in the new format
  • Branded Tree Dice
  • One or two new character models.
  • Release as early as May 

It seems like we’ve been seeing an AoS faction get overhauled every other month. The latest being Flesh Eater Courts, Skaven, Khorne, and Fyreslayers. Sylvaneth is definitely one of the more popular factions that you’ll spot on the tables but they could definitely use a refresher!

New Model Spotted in a Lore Preview

From Warhammer Community: 

gladeworm aos

You won’t have to wait long before you can summon your own Gladewyrms – stay tuned for more Sylvaneth news very soon.

There are a few key points to make here. GW said, “summon your own Gladewyrms”.  Plus, the model, while it looks fantastic, also looks to be coming on a pre-detailed base that they sprinkled some flock on. That’s two things pointing to this being a new Endless Spell to the faction. They also told us to keep an eye out for more Sylvaneth news very soon which sounds like some foreshadowing for a Battletome!

khorne endless spells

Looking at Khorne’s version of endless spells, you can see the pre-detailed basing design on the brass icon. This sort of thing matches up with the Gladewyrm from above, and both appear to be on a 75mm oval base.

rumor engine 8-21-18 This Week's Rumor Engine: We Tyraneed Your Opinion

Just as a side note, it also looks like we could be looking at a rumor engine from the past on this one too. Don’t the back scales look to be a match in this pic?

What do you think about Sylvaneth getting a Battletome update? What does the Gladewyrm look like it’ll be doing on the tabletop? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.