Nurgle Death Guard, Space Marine Heroes 3: SPOTTED!

Death Guard Wal Hor

Don’t miss this one! No one expected Chaos Space Marine Heroes for Series 3. But these new Death Guard were just spotted at the 2019 Shizuoka Hobby Show.

Spotted on Imgur, it looks like the wave three of Space Marine Heroes is going to be Death Guard. With a title like “Space Marine Heroes” we really never expected models to come out for the side of Chaos, yet here we are.

Looking back at colors on the Coming Soon Banner, perhaps Death Guard wasn’t too far out of the question after all?

Previewed at the 2019 Shizuoka Hobby Show is Wave Three of Space Marine Heroes:

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Death Guard Marine Armed With Plague Spewer

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Death Guard Plague Caster

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One of the characters previewed looks to be the special weapons man of the squad armed with a plague spewer. The other may be the “leader” as he’s an actual HQ option. Either way, both of these models are packed with detail. From blue coral-like growth spurting out of the special weapons guy to Nurglish flys coming out of the Plague Caster’s staff, these will be fantastic cosmetic additions to any Death Guard army.

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One thing to note that we’ve noticed is that their base game is on point. While Space Marine Heroes wave one and two had some detailed basing, it’s never been quite like these guys. For example,  there’s a Nurgling helping the special weapons guy with his plague spewer. Meanwhile, the Plague Caster has some kind of “mouth” spilling out maggots at his feet along with a massive fly.

Finally, looking at the last pic of both of the characters standing side-by-side, you can see the earlier wave two release of the Space Marine Blood Angel characters on display.

And there you have it! We feel like we’ve only scratched the surface for the wave three marines so keep your eyes peeled for even more pics and previews ahead. As for right now, what do you think the other Death Guard characters will look like? When do you think we will see these guys hit the shelves?

Did you expect to see any Traitor Legions at all? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.