Aelven Support Coming? New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

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Aelves Could be getting more support in the days ahead after this rumor engine was spotted. Check out the details and tell us what you think!

Warhammer Community dropped another rumor engine like clockwork showcasing a new bit that we’ve never seen before. It’s got us scratching our heads, so see if you can figure out what we’re looking at exactly.

Aelven Support Coming? New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 6-25-19

Starting off with this bit, it’s full of elegant design similar to the pattern that AoS’s Aelves or 40k’s Eldar could be imagined wearing. While we don’t know what universe this bit will be going to for sure, our best guess is that it’s for some kind of Aelven character. Because the bit is so zoomed-in, it’s hard to tell if we are looking at a cape or maybe a really fancy tunic.

Either way, it might match up with a previous rumor engine from not too long ago.

rumor engine 5-14-19

The case can be made for the latest bit to be a cape draping over the back of this obvious chest piece. While this rumor engine may lack the intricacy from the latest, it still definitely has an Aelven/Eldar feel to it.

While everything is still a little blurry, we could be seeing some much-needed Aelven support on its way to AoS, or perhaps just another awesome Eldar Psyker model. As for your own thoughts, what do you think we’re looking at? Did you have something in mind from the opposite direction of Aelves?

Can you tell if it will be for AoS or 40k? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.