An Armored Reactor Core? New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

GW gave us another hint on what may be the next big release. At the very least, it looks like it’s coming to the 40k universe. Check out the latest!

Warhammer Community gave us another rumor engine to sink our teeth into while we wait on their other bits to get previewed. That being said, it looks like could be for 40k over AoS. So here’s the bit:

An Armored Reactor Core? New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 6-18-19

Just by looking at it with a first glance, it’s pretty safe to say that this thing is pretty advanced in terms of technology. The case can be made for this thing being some kind of Sigmarite vault/relic but at the end of the day, it’s probably for 40k. Everything under the Imperial sun looks similar to this design after all…So what are we looking at exactly?

Well, the thing in the center looks similar to the Mechanicum cog. And with the armor slopes and heavy duty bolts keeping it together, our guess is that it could be some new vehicle for the Primaris. Or even another vehicle beyond the Skitarii Dunerider. 

knight bit

It could also be worth noting that the rumor engine bit looks eerily similar to these on the back of the Imperial Knight kit. However, with the Castellan and Vallant being brand new, we doubt they’re working on yet ANOTHER Knight.

So with the cards on the table, what do you think we are looking at? Is this some kind of reactor core for a Primaris hover tank? Could it be the back of a weapon like the Knight’s battle cannon? Or is this actually something for AoS after all? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.