A Mountain of Orks! ATC Army Showcase

Orks massed in some incredible numbers at the 2019’s ATC. Check out this incredible Waaagh! on a mountainside and tell us what you think!

The 2019 ATC brought players from all around the Country to roll dice. This Ork list DEFINITELY rolled some dice. With hundreds of models on one display, this army brings a new meaning to the word “Waaagh!”.

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An Ork Waaagh! Like You’ve Never Seen: ATC Army Showcase


Coming from David Ledbetter, almost every single Ork unit in this list is rocking some kind of conversion. These Orks are launching a Waaagh! from a mountainside and are just about to bury the enemy in a tide of green skin.

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Imagine seeing your opponent set up this many models in front of you in a 2k game. Each one of these has gotten a lot of hobby love so let’s take a closer look!

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Ever seen Orks with kilts? Now you have! Each one of these Slugga/Choppa Boyz is wearing a checkered kilt and are made from the AoS Bonesplitterz models.

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This Ork might look like he’s seen a battle or two, but he doesn’t even come close to comparison with the head Ork in charge.

One Warboss To Rule Them All

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This Warboss could be on the same level as one of the three Beasts that the Imperium had to deal with around the time of the Horus Heresy. He’s so massive he’s got a Knight’s hand as a Power Klaw.

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Beneath the Warboss on his perch, a unit of Stormboyz are waiting for the right time to launch their rockets and fly (hopefully in the right direction) to the enemy. Because what’s scarier than a Boy with a Slugga/Choppa? A Boy with a rocket taped to his back. 

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Finally, this Big Mek is probably the most creative conversion we’ve seen to show a shokk-attack gun. With the Vigilus Souped-up Shokka popping up in every list, this Ork takes the cake in the coolest model that gets to wield it.

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Overall, this list has had hours and hours of hobby love thrown in. What’s your favorite model in the list? Have you been inspired to start an Ork army? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!