Chaos Knights Points Cost & Rampager Rules SPOTTED

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Chaos Knights are right around the corner. Before they hit the shelves, check out the rules and points costs for the incoming new releases.

Today we have a look at the base points for all of the Chaos Knights as well as the actual warscroll rules sheet for the Knight Rampager. Buckle up and get your Chaos Icons ready.

Chaos Knights Base Points Cost Revealed

chaos knight points

The Tyrant is the Dominus-class Equivalent and the War Dog is obviously the Knight Armiger. As for the other four listings, three of them look to be buildable out of the box with the new Chaos Knight kits. All in all, they’re hovering around the same points as the Loyalist versions.

Imperial Knights were a meta crusher when they first got their codex. However, power creep could continue even more with the Chaos Knight codex being the latest book to hit the game. After how heavily the meta was shaped with the Loyalist Knights, who knows what could be around the corner for Chaos. The power may lie in the points and Stratagems. So far, the points are looking good.

Knight Rampage Warscroll Stat Sheet



knight rampager

The Rampager is a Knight Gallant in every sense of the term. However, it’s got a sweet rule called Frenzied Rampage which acts like Death to the False Emperor but against everything instead. A Knight with a flat 6 damage weapon that explodes is bad for business with anything that has any kind of armor.

With the Rampager covered, what army will you be throwing him into? Will he be charging ahead of your Berzerkers as big daddy skull collecter? What kind of artifact will you be throwing on him?

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